The layout of the digital-to-analogue conversion is completely dual mono to optimize channel separation and signal-to-noise ratio. The conversion technology used is special in that none of the common oversampling and delta sigma converters from manufacturers like AKM, Crystal, Texas Instruments, Wolfson or Sabre are used. Instead Alexej C. Ogorek uses non-oversampling R-2R ladder DACs without digital filters based on chips with industrial/medical provenance. The exact chip type cannot be gauged, since the labels have been removed. In contrast to the frequently used delta sigma chips, which oversample the PCM signal, modulate and filter it, the NOS DAC chips skip these latter steps. NOS DACs neither oversample the signal nor do they digitally filter it, thus minimizing the signal path. In order to protect downstream equipment from high frequency noise, the NOS DACs just apply a mild, first order 70kHz analogue filter at the output stage.
A possible drawback of the employed DAC technology should not go unmentioned: Since NOS DACs cannot normally process the DSD format natively, the HD-Player Model 2 converts DSD files into 24bit and 176.4 kHz PCM for playback. This however, does not pose much of a problem, since the conversion from DSD to PCM is a practically lossless process – in contrast to the conversion from PCM to DSD. A similar conversion is, by the way, also at the heart of every delta sigma converter during PCM playback.
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