The guitars sound so natural and realistic, with body and space and perfect timing, as I am only used to from my Platine Verdier but not from a digital device. The transparency of the presentation is equally impressive. The 1st movement from the „Symphony Nr. 1“ by Sergei Profiev with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra (Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Prokofiev: Symphony No. 1; Violin Concerto No. 2; Five Melodies for Solo Violin & Strings) and their quite chamber-music-like interpretation has been captured perfectly with precise focus and large 3-dimensionality. The bassoons, which at the beginning play side by side with the strings, come across with greater clarity and focus than I am used to. What I am hearing here is absolutely first class. My review could actually end at this point.
But you would probably like to read more about it and learn which factors led to this amazing result. I was wandering: what is it that Alexej C. Ogorek - the brain behind DAS - has done, to achieve such wonderful sound. I have talked to him at length about it. He told me that from the beginning, it was his ambition to save the sound of vinyl into the digital age. The playback of digitized vinyl records through available HiFi-equipment proved unsatisfactory. No adequate solution was commercially unavailable. Which is why, he decided to develop the appropriate playback equipment himself. The goal was to develop a device, which would be “as simple in handling as a CD-player, as graphically rich in communication as a computer and as natural and analogue in sound quality as a high-end turn table”. A very ambitious goal indeed – and one which took him several years to realize.
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