When designing the HD-Player Model 2, Alexej C. Ogorek was focussing on three things: a solid mechanical construction, a clean power supply and galvanic insulation of functional units. Nothing new necessarily, but implemented with impeccable consistency. Mechanically, the housing is designed from massive aluminium and steel plates with separate chambers for each functional unit to minimize vibration and electromagnetic interference. The power supply is similarly carefully thought out, with three toroidal transformers for the analogue section (one each for the left and right channel DACs as well as one for the Digital Interface Board) on the upper floor and two further transformers, one for the headphone amp and one the mainboard, on the lower floor.
Yes, you have read correctly: The HD-Player Model 2 is discreetly controlled by a computer mainboard. The operating system is a proprietary Linux distribution exclusively optimized for audio playback. The user interface is also a proprietary development, which according to Alexej C. Ogorek took two years to develop. The system supports all known digital formats incl. PCM with a bit depth from 16 to 24 bits and sample rates from 44,1 to 192,0 kHz as well as DSD from 64x to 256x. The operating system is stored on a separate SSD for maximum performance. For music files there is a standard 4 TB of storage space available. The music storage can be extended with further memory modules in the slot at the back of the Player.
From the motherboard, the signal path leads via USB connection to a D2D board on the Digital Interface Board. Here the signal gets re-clocked and transferred to the dual mono DAC boards for analogue conversion and to the Digital Interface Board for conversion to AES/EBU and SPDIF digital output. The DAC boards are supplied by Metrum Acoustics and the D2D board by M2Tech.
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