How was that again with CD-Players? Unpack, connect, switch on, insert disk and off you go … no cumbersome computer configuration, no irritating software and driver installation, no hassle with network settings, software updates and all that stuff. Let’s be honest: most of us just want to enjoy music as best as possible. Digital Audio Systems or “DAS” for short, promises exactly that with their HD-Player Model 2.
That player is designed as a fully integrated digital playback device, uniting server and DAC. It does not require a local area network and is supposed to be ready to play as soon as connected to an amplifier. Even a casual glance makes clear – before any music playback – that this is something new and different. Personally, I am reminded of a tape deck from the analogue era: on the left the high-res display with the transport keys underneath, just where the cassette bay and the transport keys used to be. On the right are the traditional VU-meters. The vintage character is emphasized by the (optional) wooden side panels. The player can be operated either via the keys on the device itself – as was normal in times gone by – or completely up to date, via a mobile device like a tablet or smart phone. For the latter the player offers a WiFi access point, so that no other network access is required. Of course, the player can also be integrated into a home network, if that is preferred. The easiest way to transfer music files to the internal storage drives is from an external USB device via the automatic USB file transfer. Alternatively, data files can also be copied from a PC through a local area network connection.
To put the thing to the test: For a first quick listening, I choose the USB route to transfer music and connect the HD-Player Model 2 via symmetrical cables to my Audio Flight preamp FLS1. Since I don’t want to lose any time, I operate the Player – totally old fashioned - with the front keys. I am playing the album Masterpiece of Folklore Music (XRCD24-NT001) by and with Mario Suzuki. The Japanese is considered an exceptional talent of folk guitar playing. The music was produced completely in the analogue domain with a reel-to-reel machine at 76 cm/s and only subsequently transferred to digital. And now I am coming straight out with it: I almost fell off my chair hearing the first sounds.
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