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Finite Elemente Pagode Signature MK II

21.02.2024 // Carsten Bussler

The E14 model presented here in natural Canadian maple veneer has four levels and a height of 85 centimetres, whereby the bottom level can hold up to 75 kilograms and the upper levels up to 25 kilograms each. The upper levels can be positioned in three-centimetre increments using a grid of micro-holes in the side pillars for the side spikes. In terms of the overall height, I found the 85 centimetres to be ergonomically perfect for me; however, heights of 45, 60, 70 or 110 centimetres and a minimum of two to a maximum of five levels are also possible. So, everyone should find the right model or combination for their components.

The Finite Elemente E14 model from the Pagode Signature MK II range is perfectly finished and is very easy to assemble and align thanks to the excellent assembly instructions and the tools supplied
The Finite Elemente E14 model from the Pagode Signature MK II range is perfectly finished and is very easy to assemble and align thanks to the excellent assembly instructions and the tools supplied

Thanks to what I consider to be a very convincing, simple and timeless design in combination with the various finish options, the E14 model blends easily into any existing living environment. All well and good so far, but in the past I've had my fair share of experience with hi-fi racks from a wide range of manufacturers and price ranges when it comes to proper horizontal alignment and I've occasionally wondered why it has to be so fiddly. Not so with Finite Elemente! Here, height-adjustable conical feet with an integrated protective plate are used, which are easily accessible and have sufficient height clearance. Thanks to the high-quality tool supplied, which is worthy of the name, this challenge is also child's play: instead of having to screw the thread by hand, the floor cones are turned using a small steel rod that is inserted into a hole in the cone.  So it's all sunshine and roses here!

After the compulsory part now comes the optional part: the technology. In principle, the design of the Signature line is based on that of the Edition series ranging above it in the hierarchy, but dispenses with the "Resonator Technology" used there, which was developed in collaboration with Prof. Dr Borchert from Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The elaborate frame construction with shelves resting on ceramic ball bearings has also been cancelled. Instead, resonance-optimized HCCT component shelves are used, which are not only lightweight but also very torsion-resistant thanks to honeycomb core technology. A multi-layer wood panel forms the core of each bottom level, with a honeycomb core matrix of hexagonal elements made of polymer plastic on the top and bottom. This construction is encased by an HDF layer, on which the veneer or lacquer is then applied. For the upper levels, only a honeycomb core matrix is used instead of the multiplex board with a double honeycomb core structure as in the bottom level element.

It looks delicate, but in practice this connection is bombproof: Finite Elemente's tried-and-tested sidespike technology. It gives the rack a certain visual lightness
It looks delicate, but in practice this connection is bombproof: Finite Elemente's tried-and-tested sidespike technology. It gives the rack a certain visual lightness

Incidentally, Finite Elemente uses Canadian maple wood because it has particularly important properties in terms of resonance behaviour. Because this type of tree grows particularly slowly, the structure of the wood is demonstrably homogeneous and even and, for example, harder than European maple woods or the even softer cherry woods. It is therefore no coincidence that Canadian maple is also used as tonewood or instrument wood. Each of the upper levels has two recessed stainless steel spikes with counter discs on both sides. These fit exactly into the micro holes arranged in a grid in the side aluminum pillars. The very detailed and well-made assembly instructions recommend masking the aluminum surfaces with masking tape during assembly to prevent the spikes from scratching them incidently during assembly.

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