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Finite Elemente Pagode Signature MK II

21.02.2024 // Carsten Bussler

Decent tools are a must for such a high-quality product. Fortunately, the quality goes well beyond that of the tools supplied by a well-known Swedish furniture store chain and they are actually a pleasure to use
Decent tools are a must for such a high-quality product. Fortunately, the quality goes well beyond that of the tools supplied by a well-known Swedish furniture store chain and they are actually a pleasure to use

I was able to experience the described tonal improvements particularly well with classical music, such as Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" (Yehudi Menuhin, His Master's Voice, 1985). Individual instruments always seemed to maintain their position as if cemented in place and subtle ramifications and nuances of individual notes seemed to be reproduced even more cleanly than I was used to. If I wanted to, I could follow them even more easily than before. The room also seemed to me to be more "stable" in all dimensions and the background seemed blacker in pauses or quieter passages, which meant that instruments and notes rich in higher frequencies in particular seemed to gain in radiance. However, all these descriptions are merely my pitiful attempt to somehow verbally convey what I experienced and they can in no way replace one’s own impressions. So, if you want to squeeze every last bit of sound out of your high-quality music system and realize its full potential, simply try out a rack like the Pagode Signature MK II model E14 from Finite Elemente presented here with your own setup. It could be worth it.


If you are looking for your final piece of hi-fi furniture, you will find it at Finite Elemente. Craftsmanship and sonic accuracy are firmly anchored in Finite Elemente's DNA and if you want to keep your feet firmly on the ground in terms of price, take a closer look at the hi-fi racks in the entry-level Pagode Signature MK II series. There is certainly always room for improvement, but the models in this line, such as the E14 presented here, are already an ideal harbourage for expensive hi-fi components and guarantee that they can unfold their full sonic potential.
Listened with
Pre amp KECES S4 stereo pre amp with phono stage
Power amp EternalArts OTL Mk III stereo tube power amp
Turntable Pro-Ject Debut PRO + record clamp PRO
Cartridges Pro-Ject Pick it PRO, Ortofon Quintet Red
Loudspeakers various DIY full-range drivers: Open baffle (Ciare CH250), Transmission line (Seas FA22RCZ & Seas Exotic F8), Tapered Quarter Wave Tube (Tang Band W8-1772), Backloaded horn (Fostex FE206En)
Accessories Dynamikks! Speakerlink I, Phono interconnect Pro-Ject Connect-it RCA-E
Manufacturer's Specifications
Finite Elemente Pagode Signature MK II
Type Hi-Fi furniture
Model E14 with 4 levels
Features Middle levels adjustable in increments of 3 centimetres, resonance-damped HCCT® honeycomb core shelves, Stainless-steel floor cones with integrated protection plates, Side-spike Technology
Finish Canadian maple wood, side pillars and front logo insert, aluminum silver-grey matt anodized
H x W x D 85cm x 66cm x 54cm
Dimensions usable area (W x D) 55cm x 50cm (upper levels), 59cm x 54cm (bottom level)
Load capacity 25kg (upper levels), 75kg (bottom level)
Weight 27kg
Variants available in 7 wood finishes resp. lacquer colours: P01 natural maple (test model), P02 walnut, P03 makassar, P04 palisander, P05 cherry, P06 pearl white, P07 pearl black, Available in 5 heights (45/60/70/85/110cm)
Price (test model) 5,490 euros
Options 960 euros per additional level, 540 euros side pillars and front logo insert high-polished
Warranty 2 years (5 years upon online registration)
Finite Elemente GmbH
Address Am Heimekesberg 11
33106 Paderborn
Phone +49 5254 64557
Email info@finite-elemente.eu
Web www.finite-elemente.eu

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