The TD1.2 is - as we will find out in a moment - a marvel in many different respects, but for physical reasons alone it cannot do magic in the bass range. I assume that everyone who is interested in a compact loudspeaker is aware of this limitation. Therefore, I will refrain from using justifying descriptions such as "in view of the size" or the like. Let's put it this way: for a wide range of pop, jazz and classical recordings, the TD1.2 delivers a very satisfying low frequency foundation with a clean and fast bass. If you want more of the bass thing, I recommend to think about one or better two good subwoofers.
And from now on it gets a little gushy. For the set-up procedure just described, I used the corresponding test tracks on the Sheffield "XLO Test & Burn in CD". Already at this point I was struck by how extraordinarily realistic the speaker's voice is reproduced by the TD1.2. The sampler Jazz Ballads (Jazz Ballads - 2xHD 24/44.1) offers excellent recordings of beautiful jazz ballads interpreted by finest female singers. Fascinated, I listen to "The very thought of you" with Emilie-Claire Barlow. The singer stands exactly between the speakers and you can almost feel her presence in your listening room. Just as impressive is how precisely and clearly the TD1.2 carves out the differences in the voices of Holly Cole, Amanda Martinez or Jill Barber. What is more, however, it also becomes clear that the recordings were made in different studios - sometimes very intimate, sometimes recorded rather directly and then again rather slightly distanced, which is one of the things that makes this compilation so appealing.
The TD1.2 imparts each individual voice that certain "human element" that makes it sound so particularly authentic and distinctive. This creates a special connection with the listener and makes me believe that I am experiencing it live when, at the beginning of "Tennessee Waltz", Allan Taylor asks his colleague Chris Jones for the right key and then creakily retunes his guitar. When it moreover becomes apparent that Allan Taylor is sitting closer to the microphone and that his voice is therefore captured more direct than that of Chris Jones', it quickly becomes clear what an outstanding speaker the TD1.2 is in this field.
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