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Melco S100

19.06.2020 // Dirk Sommer

Without comparing to the SOtM switch and by merely using the standard power supply, my first impression of the S100 was very promising. So during the installation phase there was no reason for me to change anything. I therefore was allowed to spend my time getting used to other test objects – each weighing 200 kilograms and blessed with an efficiency of about 97 decibels per watt and meter – to the extent that I was able to make reliable statements about changes in the connected chain even with them. The first update to the system of course comprised the change from the Melco S100’s standard power supply to the SBooster. Already after the first few tones of the inevitable song from Michel Godard's Le Concert Des Parfums came up it was clear that my prior contentment solely rested on the fact that I couldn’t have guessed what kind of large sonic image the Soundspace Systems Pirol were able to depict. But not only the three-dimensionality and physical size of the recording location benefited from the Melco’s analogue power supply: richness in detail, fine resolution and fine dynamics performed at a higher level as well. But that shouldn't surprise you at all: Up to this day the power supplies from the Dutch company never failed to provide a bigger sonic enhancement than one would expect at their price. And the combination with the S100 is no exception to the rule.

Melco does not provide exact details of the circuitry and the used components. The four black blocks on the left are probably transformers sourced from Bothhand
Melco does not provide exact details of the circuitry and the used components. The four black blocks on the left are probably transformers sourced from Bothhand

In conjunction with the Melco Switch plus SBooster, the system performs so openly, rhythmically intriguing and indulges with such large – imaginary? – spaces, that I am perfectly happy and can therefore hardly imagine what the SOtM switch and the clock could do even better. But the duo really succeeds in adding a touch of more airiness and finesse to the performance, as well as slightly increasing also the dimensions of the soundstage – these being clear sonic advantages for me, even if they turn out to be quite marginal. But I also understand anyone who prefers the Melco's somewhat more gripping, down-to-earth attitude and minimally brighter tonality. But it doesn't matter whether you consider – as I do – the differences between the switches to range within small quality improvements or to be more a matter of taste: Especially with regard to the price tag, the Melco Switch "sounds" forbiddingly good!

For some time now, the digital playback system in the listening room has only established contacts with my audio network, this being separated from the Internet, in order to keep interference out. The router solely communicates with the iPad to control the Aries G1. An Aries Femto and two Minis located in other rooms receive not only the music files from a Melco N1A 60HA/2 via a second network, but also music data from Qobuz. This is how I learned to appreciate the streaming service and I must say that I miss the access to it in my listening room already a little. Maybe the Melco Switch, thanks to the separate 1-gigabit and 100-megabit sections, will allow its users to benefit from streaming services without having to accept quality losses when playing files from the hard disk.

Low-noise voltage regulators and the capacitor bank are designed to provide an optimal mains power supply. Nevertheless the quality of the external power supply is decisive for the sound
Low-noise voltage regulators and the capacitor bank are designed to provide an optimal mains power supply. Nevertheless the quality of the external power supply is decisive for the sound

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