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CanEVER AUDIO La Scala Power Amp

22.03.2019 // Roland Dietl

In the foreground the double triode 6H6 for the voltage amplification alongside of the cooling devices for the MOSFETs and the big output transformer in the back
In the foreground the double triode 6H6 for the voltage amplification alongside of the cooling devices for the MOSFETs and the big output transformer in the back

Two big power transformers – one for each channel ¬make sure of reasonable power resources. As rectifiers, special Silicon-Carbide-Diodes are implemented. Those components work extremely fast, and do not produce converting spikes while switching on and off the AC voltage at the secondary side of the main power transformer. In the next step, the DC is passing a costly CLC-filter based on a combination of filtering capacitors and an inductor followed by additional capacitors. The inductor used inside the power supply of the LaScala power amp comes with an inductance of 40 MilliHenry and an internal resistance of only 0.15 Ohm. As in this amp high currents are flowing, the size of the inductors equal the size of big power transformers in usual amplifier designs. The heating power for the tubes inside the voltage stage is managed by an additional shunt regulator based on the double triode 6H30. This triode can be found too in the line stages of several high-end preamps as well as in CD players. It is obvious, that CanEVER Audio takes time to carefully choose the best possible components for the power supply.

Double Triode and devices for heat dissipation in detail
Double Triode and devices for heat dissipation in detail

What makes the LaScala Power Amp really special is a separate circuit called the "BIAS Control Circuit." This circuit is responsible for managing all working points inside the amplifier. Active components, no matter which they are tubes or transistors—even when selected carefully—never come with exactly the same specifications. Additionally, the working temperature has an influence on the specs, as well as aging over time. Therefore microprocessor-controlled servo circuits built into the LaScala constantly monitor and adjust all active components inside the different push-pull circuits of the amp. This "BIAS Control Circuit" makes sure that the circuits run in perfect balance in all possible working conditions.

Even as the current stage of the LaScala makes use of output transformers, there is still an enormous amount of heat being created based on the Class A mode the amp is running in. Usually, Pure Class A amps need huge heatsinks to dissipate this heat, and still run extremely hot during operation. Looking at the LaScala Power Amp, only little is seen in terms of heatsinks, although this amp delivers almost 100W in pure Class A mode per channel. Again, Mario Canever shows his ability to "look across the fence." In the electronics industry, there are other areas where a high loss of power generates high temperatures in narrow spaces. And there are solutions available. Inside the LaScala Power Amp, the power MOSFETs are glued like a sandwich in between two very different types of cooling devices. The four visible heatsinks on top of the chassis are mounted directly on one side of the MOSFETs. These heatsinks are standard in some LED applications. They are very effective in producing a vertical airflow, like a chimney. At the downside, each MOSFET is glued to a powerful heat pipe known from the computer industry to cool off the CPUs powerful server systems. Together with the heat pipe itself, there comes an additional fan to further take off the heat and to dissipate the hot air inside the cabinet. As an option, those fans can be switched off using corresponding commands in the setup menu of the LaScala Power Amp. But based on my personal experiences, there is no "sound" possible to detect from this fans even if you move really close to the amp—dead silence!

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