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CanEVER AUDIO La Scala Power Amp

22.03.2019 // Roland Dietl

The display, in this case showing the temperature of the four MOSFETs and the current speed of the cooling fans
The display, in this case showing the temperature of the four MOSFETs and the current speed of the cooling fans

As the tubes in the voltage stage "see" as load the high and almost resistive input impedance of the following MOSFET stage, they work under perfect conditions. But as those MOSFETs are working on a much different DC voltage level compared to those of the tubes, both stages cannot be connected directly. Usually, those types of stages are connected with capacitors blocking the different DC levels from each other. To avoid capacitors in the signal path, Mario Canever decided to put an interstage transformer as a coupling device in between the voltage stage and the current stage. This solution is rare to find in amplifier designs, but those transformers are known for their ability to transfer the dynamics of the audio signal without loss. On the basis of the high resistive level in this part of the circuit, the interstage transformers (ratio 1:1) have to transfer virtually only voltage, but no current. This transformer is based on a bifilar winding and creates on its secondary side two perfectly symmetric signals with a negligible phase shift across the entire audio bandwidth.

In this part of the menu it is possible to select the bias of the MOSFETs
In this part of the menu it is possible to select the bias of the MOSFETs

As the two signals on the output of the interstage transformer based on the bifilar winding are opposite in phase, it is possible to set up the following current stage in a push-pull mode using two MOSFETs of the same type. In usual configurations, it would be necessary to use complementary "N" and "P" type of devices. Unfortunately, those two different types of transistors are never shown in exactly the same specifications. This effect creates unwanted distortions, which need to be eliminated by additional feedback. CanEver Audio uses two lateral n-channel MOSFETs of the latest generation made by EXICON, which have been developed for use in audio amplifiers. Actually, it would be possible to connect the output of the MOSFETs directly to the speakers. To reach an output power of 90 watts in Pure Class A mode, it would be necessary to let several power transistors run in parallel. As Canever Audio wanted to achieve a pure and undistorted Class A power of 90 Watts with only two MOSFETs in push-pull mode per channel—like in a classic tube amp design, there was only one alternative possible: The use of output transformers.

As in this case the MOSFETs "see" the high impedance of the output transformer, the maximum current running through them is limited, which reduces the heat, and therefore a configuration of several MOSFETs running in parallel is avoided. As an additional advantage, the reduced current in the single pair of MOSFETs does not stress the power supply as much as the diodes in the rectifier bridge. As a result, unwanted distortions are reduced again. As an additional advantage, the output transformer avoids the use of big coupling capacitors at the output to cut off (block) the DC from the speakers. Meanwhile, we have learned that CanEVER Audio does not like to use capacitors in the signal path!

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