As an attentive reader, you have counted so far three transformers in the very straight signal path of the LaScala Power Amp! During the rise of the transistors back in the Sixties, engineers have been proud of the so-called "ironless" amps, meaning the disuse of complex transformers, which made the former generations of tube amps heavy and expensive to build. To build the kind of output transformer being used inside the LaScala Power Amp is not an easy task. The high power and necessary high bandwidth are demanding specs. At one time, almost all manufacturers were able to wind this kind of transformers, but they did not show a high interest in winding them to the specifications of CanEVER Audio, because the project was threatening to enter a dead end. Finally, Mario Canever found a specialist for this task in Italy! The owner of this small factory came with years of experience in winding transformers. After several prototypes, it was decided that they would use a special blitz with 200 wires isolated by silk in a special winding scheme. While all basic manufacturing of the transformers as well as the winding itself is done at the site of the supplier, the final drowning and potting of the transformers into the metal pots are done in the house of CanEVER Audio. This way the risk of being copied is avoided.
As for the phase splitter at the input of the LaScala Power Amp, CanEVER Audio relies on transformers made by LUNDAHL. These transformers are manufactured according to the specs from CanEVER Audio. They come with an input impedance of 50kOhm and deliver a bandwidth of 100kHz. The same is valid for the interstage transformers, which still deliver a bandwidth of 70 kHz. Based on that high bandwidth, the phase shift of the transformers is reduced to a minimum and can be neglected inside the audio band. Heavy and expensive is not just the amp itself, but the dedicated power supply as well. It is a well-known fact that the performance of an audio amplifier is based on the quality of the power supply. Especially the kind of straightforward electric designs as that of the LaScala Power Amp, which relies heavily on an absolutely stable power supply delivering pure and clean current, as those circuits do not make use of any additional inherent feedback loops to eliminate distortions generated inside the power supply.
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