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LumenWhite Mystere

06.11.2016 // Dirk Sommer

This Lumen White prototype record clamp is not commercially available yet, but employs the same design principles as found in the turntable itself
This Lumen White prototype record clamp is not commercially available yet, but employs the same design principles as found in the turntable itself

While I am a great fan of dynamic and rhythmic performance, they only play a subordinate role when it comes to my evaluation of the Mystere's sonic capabilities. As mentioned before, they struck me as sonically remarkable when I had tried the Lyra Etna cartridge. Hence, I revisited the same records again after I had exchanged it with the Lyra Olympus in order to get a picture of the nature of the two cartridges. By that time I had already gathered quite some experience with the Mystere, enough to let me know that upon first contact, the turntable's sound appears completely unspectacular. If one, for example, has just listened to a record on another high-end turntable and then moves tonearm and cartridge over to the Mystere, one recognises right away that it does everything right and that it does not commit even the smallest sonic mistake. But this experience is foremost an experience of an absence of "sensations," as no single aspect, no specific frequency range or individual discipline sticks out or attracts the listener's attention more than any or all others. However, the longer one then listens to the Mystere, the more it invariably dawns upon the listener the extremely high level at which this turntable does in fact perform. The Mystere simply delivers edge of the art performance in all disciplines, while in other top turntables different areas of performance can often be found conflicting with each other. If we, for example, look at its performance from the "transparency vs. musicality" perspective, we find that while, on one hand, the Mystere possesses a exemplary level of transparency and retrieves an staggering wealth of sonic details from any recording, it, at the same time, always presents the music as a holistic, flowing, emotionally communicating wholeness. In an equally synergistic and natural way it combines authoritative bass with fast-footed agility, while in other turntables powerful bass more often than not comes at the cost of a pervasive reluctance or slowness in their overall sound. Hence, when I mentioned the Mystere's exemplary dynamic and rhythmic capabilities in the context of my cartridge tests, those specific performances are merely representative of the turntable's handling of all others disciplines. In addition, if we examine the Mystere's portrayal of sonic space, we will easily recognise increased "air" in one recording, a wider sound-field in others, or a deeper "soundstage" in still another track. But in order to be able to single out such individual qualities in the performance of the Mystere, one actually must make a considerable effort and concentrate on a specific area, in order to be able to extract such specific qualities from within the turntable's integrated and holistic performance. In a unique way, the Mystere literally forces the listener to experience music as the wholeness it is meant to be, instead of presenting it as an synchronicity of dissectible parts.

The compressor & motor controller unit conveys an idea of the extensive technological effort which went into the Mystere turntable system
The compressor & motor controller unit conveys an idea of the extensive technological effort which went into the Mystere turntable system

A major contribution to this exemplary performance certainly results from the fact that the Mystere adds no discernible mechanical artifacts to the sound, a quality which, besides in the Mystere, I have only found with the big Continuum and the Airforce One—and to a lesser extent, the Bergmann Sleipner decks. To illustrate the point:  If one affords oneself the luxury and plays an original LP master-lacquer on the Mystere, the sound is clearly more representative of the sound of the original master-tape than when performing the same test on very good high mass turntables.

The display on the left shows the air pressure, while the blue displays informs about the system status, software version and the temperature of the air-stream supplied to the air-bearing. Above the display are the connectors for the air and control cable assembly
The display on the left shows the air pressure, while the blue displays informs about the system status, software version and the temperature of the air-stream supplied to the air-bearing. Above the display are the connectors for the air and control cable assembly

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