I haven't introduced new tonearms to you for many years, which was due to the fact that – among the rest – really new solutions are extremely rare. Mostly, new models are about variations in the materials mix, in combination with different, known bearing kinds. With Acoustical Systems, however, this is different: The Aquilar tonearm is based on an entirely new calculated geometry.
However, before we turn to this, let me briefly introduce Acoustical Systems to you: Acoustical Systems is a family enterprise, founded by Axinia Schäfer in 1998. Meanwhile, her husband, Dietrich Brakemeier, an – in a positive sense – analogue-maniac, who at the very most will sometimes insert a CD when in the car, is employed there as a chief design engineer and looks after the technical developments. Axinia is responsible for the administrative and business sides of operations, as well as marketing, including website. The two traded during the first years with priority in New-Old-Stock-tubes and developed individual high-end system concepts for customers later on. While doing so, they introduced the Special Decoupled Platter (SDP) in 2009, a universal turntable upgrade of the special kind which, for example, makes the turntables of Micro Seiki, Verdier, or Brinkmann look much more imposing, and claims to catapult them sonically to a clearly higher level. The SDP virtually marks the transition to a reorientation of the company: From 2010 onwards, Acoustical Systems has been devoting itself exclusively to the so-called "analog front-end."
A year later, the UNI-Protractor and UNI-P2S were introduced, an unusual setting gauge for tonearm and cartridge, as well as the appropriate range finder for the tone arm. The following year, the quite unique arche-Headshell followed, which offers up-to-now unknown setting options, and whose design features also can be found in the Axiom tonearm introduced in 2013 and the Aquilar tonearm launched last year. Besides, the offer of Acoustical Systems still includes the setting gauge SMARTractor and various phono pickups like archon, astron, and aiwon, partly manufactured in limited edition only.
The Aquilar is the shorter and more affordable variation of the Axiom, the first tonearm from Acoustical Systems, which was recognized by a number of awards, above all in the Far East and – as Dietrich Brakemeier notes, not without a touch of pride – has found its place as tonearm of choice on the top models by Verdier, Kronos, Kondo and Continuum. But Acoustical Systems also calls the ten-inch variation Aquilar "Reference Tonearm" – understandable if one looks at the apparent design efforts or has the hidden ones explained. The externally simple looking tonearm wand consists, for example, of two concentric tubes made of titanium and carbon, which do not touch, but are braced against each other by the two end pieces. Thus, a rapid resonance transfer with maximum control of unwanted vibrations should be achieved. The delicate counterweight is manufactured on account of its high specific weight from a non-magnetic tungsten-nickel alloy which distinguishes itself through the attribute to virtually not allow itself to be stimulated into resonance.
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