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Acoustical Systems Aquilar Tonearm

01.06.2016 // Dirk Sommer

I will not be able to get by completely without one or the other of my test discs. The fact that the Aquilar has something special to offer in the bass range is now certain: Here differentiation, colours and force form an admirable alliance. This is proven particularly strongly with Jonas Hellborgs "Drone" and "Little Wing" on the album Elegantly Punk. The successful combination of energy, depth, quickness, and precision has already made the Aquilar in combination with the Etna an exception. But this is still complemented by a steadfast stability in the imaging, and in spite of the no doubt worn out grooves, still – relatively – an acoustical calm, which I do not remember. The Acoustical Systems is a tremendously dynamic stoic. Or rather a very stoic dynamicist? In any case: The Aquilar is simply one of the best arms that I have ever had the pleasure to hear. And this underlines Jonas Hellborg's "It's The Pits, Slight Return" once again quite emphatically: So much pressure from such a blackness is simply unique!

Of course, the Aquilar is delivered in an appropriate package!
Of course, the Aquilar is delivered in an appropriate package!


The Uni-Din- geometry of the Aquilar is completely convincing: it also masters passages cut close to the label with high level signal absolutely easily. However, its mechanical integrity distinguishes it even more. In spite of dynamic top performance, it illustrates the musical events absolutely solidly at any time on an enormously big – imaginary – stage. And all that happens before an absolutely black background. The combination of all these virtues makes it one of the most worthwhile tone arms in general!

PS: I'd love to immediately inquire with Acoustical Systems, when an Axiom is available – although I cannot imagine, even with the best will in the world, what it could do even better.

Acoustical System holds a lot of base plates available so that the Alquiler can be easily mounted on suitably prepared bases or arm boards
Acoustical System holds a lot of base plates available so that the Alquiler can be easily mounted on suitably prepared bases or arm boards

Listened with
Turntable Brinkmann LaGrange with Tube power supply
Tonearm Thales Symplicity II
Cartridge Lyra Etna, Einstein The Pickup
Phono Preamp Einstein The Turntable's Choice balanced, Blue Amp Model 42
Preamp Einstein The Preamp
Power Amplifier Ayon Epsilon with KT150
Loudspeakers LumenWhite DiamondLight Monitors, Diapason Altera
Cables HMS Gran Finale Jubilee, Audioplan Powercord S, Göbel High End Lacorde Statement, Swiss Cable Reference Plus
Accessories PS Power Plant, Sun strip, Audioplan Powerstar, HMS wall outlets, Acapella bases, Acoustic System feet and resonators, Artesania Audio Exoteryc, Harmonix Real Focus, bfly Bases and feet
Manufacturer's Specification
Acoustical Systems Aquilar – 10“ Reference Tonearme
Geometry UNI-DIN
Effective length according to Loefgren A 254mm
Fulcrum distance to turntable center 238mm
Offset Angle variable, about 17° - 25°
Overhang variable, about 5 to 16 mm
Effective moving mass 11,4g
Internal wiring highly flexible, aged pure silver strand
Resistance of the internal wiring 0,9 Ohm/m
Capacity of the internal wiring 25pF/m
Possible Cartridge weight 5,2 to 30g

Adjustment ranges
Setting of the level of the bearing +/- 6° horizontal
Height adjustment of the tonearm 15 mm
Setting of the offset angle +/- 4°
Overhang max. 11mm
Azimuth adjustment +/- 8°
Setting of the stylus rake angle 97° to 84°
Setting of the vertical tracing angle 28° to 14°
Price 7580 Euro
Acoustical Systems
Address Axinia Schäfer
Alpenstr. 26
86935 Rott
E-Mail info@acoustical-systems.com
Web www.acoustical-systems.com

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