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Acoustical Systems Aquilar Tonearm

01.06.2016 // Dirk Sommer

The Aquilar is one of the very few modern gimbal tonearms which have a device for the setting of the lateral balance
The Aquilar is one of the very few modern gimbal tonearms which have a device for the setting of the lateral balance

The considerations on the new geometry seem logical; the processing and the feel to the touch of the Aquilar are beyond any doubt. But how can the advantages of the Uni-Din be experienced? I can spontaneously think of a few records where it always comes to distortions near the labels: There was, for example, a dark blue ECM record with John Abercrombie on guitar, Dave Holland on the bass, Jack DeJohnette on drums and Collin Walcott, under whose name the record was released on tablas and sitar. With the last piece of the second side, unmistakable distortions repeatedly interfered at times, when I used conventional arms like Hadcock, Formula IV, or Linn Ittok, and these results even though my chain at the time, in terms of resolution, was far from what the current one has to offer. So I have put on Cloud Dance once more, have enjoyed the old songs of the second side, and have not perceived even a hint of distortion. Because it was so nice, I have for safety's sake still listened to the first side. Also again without any indication of difficulties – at least as far as "detected distortions" are concerned. With such fine resolution, so open and yet powerful and rhythmically thrilling, I had probably never perceived the songs before – if my memory serves me correctly.

With this screw, the anti-skating force is adjusted, which is generated by a magnet
With this screw, the anti-skating force is adjusted, which is generated by a magnet

Was I misled by memory with the choice of the record? As a precaution, I also put on once again after a long time the deep-blue ECM with the same line-up except Collin Walcott, namely Gateway: nostalgic musical enjoyment at the highest sound level, but on neither side even a trace of distortion. By the way, this cannot have been due to the pickup. At least in Ittok times I have listened almost exclusively to EMTs and they tracked 80 µm reliably. In comparison with that, the Lyra in general and the Etna in particular are rather little sensitive souls. Because they sound excellent in spite of less impressive measurements, I have stopped testing trackability almost completely during the last few years, at least when everything is right sonically.

Regardless of the armboard or base, the bearing plane of the tonearm can be aligned here
Regardless of the armboard or base, the bearing plane of the tonearm can be aligned here

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