But even after more than four hours of intensive listening, that wasn't the end of the story: Lars Kristensen and Morten Thyrrestrup also had a Mainz8 D-TC power distributor and a Sparkz TC Harmonizer with them, which is supposed to unfold its effect as soon as it is placed in a mains socket. After hearing with my own ears, with a Sparkz plugged into one of the sockets of the Mainz8, which was merely connected in parallel to the system in the same mains circuit, that the objectives that Ansuz pursues with all their performance enhancements were achieved, Morten Thyrrestrup unfortunately went out to remove all sound improving elements from my system again. But we fortunately avoided to make the mistake of listening to even the smallest bit of music again, which would certainly have led to a bitter disappointment. Instead, we devoted ourselves to Bavarian cuisine and then to Lars Kristensen's second favourite topic, directly after reproducing music perfectly as possible due to being free of mechanical and high-frequency interference: gin and tonic.
And ultimately, here's a warning: If you have been satisfied with your audio system and do not want to endanger either your peace of mind or your fortune, beware of allowing either Morten Thyrrestrup or Lars Kristensen access to your listening room with their equally unique and sonically convincing cables and tuning elements. I am sure that disregarding this well-meant advice would lead to severe consequences!
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