Meanwhile the Niagara 5000 has already spent a considerable time in one of my two Artesania audio racks. Unfortunately, I had to send back the 7000 before the "smaller" – which is only valid for the equipment, but not the dimensions – model arrived. So, I couldn't compare the two directly. But if memory doesn't deceive me, the differences between the two are extremely small – at least in comparison to the sound improvements that Audioquest's cables, the Niagara 1000 and 5000 bring in absolute terms. There are always recordings whose dynamics – and, not quite so often, their huge (imaginary) space – I practically rediscover. The PS Audio conditioner and a mix of high-quality power cables had also inspired the sound of my audio components before, but they don't come close to the holistic effects of Audioquest's power technology.
Peter Banholzer felt the same way, by the way, when he recently enjoyed one of my and also his test tracks in the listening room after a long hiatus. He hadn't heard Abdullah Ibrahim's "Calypso Minor" from the album “Sotho Blue” so well before in my room. The track lives from the sharp riffs of the wind instruments, the gnarly double bass and the fat kick drum. Or to put it another way: It’s full of transients. By the way the M-Scaler, who helps the DAVE in this discipline, was employed for the Chord cable test in the living room and not part of my system at the time.
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