The fact that Audioquest's network technology is so extensively appreciated here is not primarily due to the very impressive sonic effect in my system, but rather to the fact that Garth Powell explains very convincingly why his mains conditioners should bring advantages in every system. Up to now, the transferability of experiences made during a test was quite low for both cables and measures to improve power quality, which is why only testing in one's own system could ultimately provide information about the improvements to be achieved. Garth Powell cites the strongly changing effectiveness of most line filters over a wide frequency range as the reason for the varying results in different systems. But listen for yourself:
What makes the Niagara 7000 – and the Niagara 5000 that it has been replaced with – seem almost indispensable to me at the moment is the Power Correction System, thanks to which Einstein's The Poweramp now plays as if it were on speed and knew no dynamic restrictions. And that with a nominal power of just 90 watts per channel! Garth Powell had already developed a circuit that can provide an enormous amount of additional power for the duration of transients for the Furman mains conditioners. For the Niagaras, he has refined it once again: Here he reveals why energy supply is so important to him:
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