Garth Powell has long been aware that some of the interference enters the equipment via grounding and has also tried to develop countermeasures. However, these were only effective temporarily or only in special device configurations, i.e. anything but consistent – if they complied with all safety regulations. Inspired by Audioquest CEO Bill Low, he then looked at the previously neglected direction of cable and found a solution:
The aim in developing the power cables was to achieve a very low characteristic impedance. The intensive collaboration with Bill Low also led Garth Powell to develop a special bi-wiring cable with extremely low characteristic impedance for the low frequency range. He had brought one of the first examples to Gröbenzell, where we could hear it the morning after the interview in comparison to the Goebel High End Lacorde Statement: The two cables played at the same, extremely high level, but each had minimal advantages and disadvantages in the different disciplines. To choose one of them, you just need more time. The waiting time for the standard models can be shortened by Garth Powell's comments on impedance and cables:
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