While visiting Ansuz in August 2020, I was so captivated by the Børresen 05's elegant appearance alone that I instantly ordered a pair in the Silver Supreme Edition for a review. Now they finally happen to be in my listening room. But the way to it wasn’t that easy, and furthermore, these dream speakers also give rise to a question of conscience.
I'm going to assume that those of you who have read the report on the entry-level model in Michael Børresen's 0-series, the 01 Silver Supreme Edition, as well as the one on the Aavik phono stage developed by him, share the same extraordinary high expectations for the top-of-the-range model in his speaker series and do not see the designation "dream speaker" in above introduction as an anticipation of the verdict in the concluding STATEMENT section. The fact that the 05 SSE - if I remember correctly - is the most expensive loudspeaker reviewed in Hifistatement to date, by the way, doesn’t burden my conscience in any way: When dealing with components that reach or even extend the boundaries of the possible, the pecuniary expenditure can only play a subordinate role. As long as affordable components also find their way into our magazine, I have no problem with that - as already said before.
Now, actually, should be following a detailed description of the - partly patented - technologies that are used in the Børresen 05 SSE. Also the mention of the - at least in loudspeaker design - exotic materials, such as lots of zirconium, would be wise to highlight the exceptional position of the 05 SSE. But on the one hand, the planar ribbon tweeter developed by Michael Børresen as well as his 11.5 centimeter bass/midrange driver have already been specified at length in the review of the 01 SSE, while in the article about the company visit to Aavik, Ansuz and Børresen the manufacturing of the pure silver rings for the Silver Supreme Edition has extensively been captured in pictures. On the other hand, you will soon be able to listen to an interview here in which Michael Børresen gives an insight into his loudspeaker developments. Therefore, I shall limit myself to a rather brief technical description here.
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