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Børresen Acoustics 05 Silver Supreme Edition

27.01.2022 // Dirk Sommer

The crossover is located behind the lower bass/midrange driver
The crossover is located behind the lower bass/midrange driver

Nevertheless, I should attempt to draw up a brief description of the sonic outcome: Only the Goebel Aeon, whose bending wave driver reproduces the range from 160 to over 30,000 Hertz, had previously played so homogeneously and seamlessly in my listening room. The 05 SSEs definitely stand up to these also in terms of transient reproduction and speed. In addition, the Børresen flood the room with perfectly proportioned low frequency energy. And that is by no means a matter of course in my room: The upper bass range always seemed a bit too light, no matter on which high level the speakers performed in other disciplines. Already with the LumenWhite DiamondLight I longed for a bit more warmth in this frequency band, while the Goebels could do a touch better here as well. I don't know what the reason is, but with the Børresens there are no disturbing first reflections in spite of their placement close to the side walls, and they also compensate for the room-related frequency dip quite naturally. They seem to be largely immune to the influences of their surroundings. But all this is far surpassed by the large, precise and three-dimensional sonic image the 05 SSE is capable to display: This is absolutely amazing!

To be seen here is the terminal with the banana sockets and the input for the bias voltage of the crossover capacitors
To be seen here is the terminal with the banana sockets and the input for the bias voltage of the crossover capacitors

What gets me worried, however, is the fact that the Børresens only allow one centrally seated person to enjoy music to the fullest. So I call Lars Kristensen, seeking for advice. He tells me that he knows about the effect, as there are probably only a few speakers around that need to be so focused on the listening position as the 05 SSE. But this has never caused criticism on the part of his customers. He instead endorses being courageous for egoism. And this leads us to the matter of conscience - even if the 05 SSE is pecuniarily out of reach: Do I want to live with a loudspeaker that allows only me alone to listen to music as never before, without being able to share the experience with manufacturers and distributors who present their products in my listening room? And, at least as equally important to me: Do I really want to give up mutual listening experiences with my spouse for a few percent more of sound quality? Where does courageous egoism end and audiophile autism begin?

It quickly becomes apparent to me that I cannot limit my involvement with the Børresen speakers to two weeks, as planned, and that I have to start looking for a setup in which the 05 SSEs are able to demonstrate their capabilities to two people as well. In doing so, I make it towards the proven speaker positions again, although losing too much size in the imaging for my taste. So I move the Børresens a bit closer to the side walls again. With a minimum distance of about 60 centimeters and a slight angle to the two listening positions, a compromise is found that is acceptable to me. The armrest of my chair, however, now does stick out a little beyond the imaginary center line of the room: That much egoism I might be allowed. Because even on the neighbour seat, the exceptional performance of the 05 SSE becomes largely accessible.

The standard power supply unit, resting on Ansuz’ PowerBox D-TC SUPREME
The standard power supply unit, resting on Ansuz’ PowerBox D-TC SUPREME

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