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Børresen Acoustics 05 Silver Supreme Edition

27.01.2022 // Dirk Sommer

The housings for the bass/midrange drivers come also vented. The aluminum profiles are intended to ensure a noiseless airflow
The housings for the bass/midrange drivers come also vented. The aluminum profiles are intended to ensure a noiseless airflow

But for Lars Christensen and Michael Børresen this seemed to be a matter of course, and they remarked almost casually that a lot more euphony was possible with the tweaks Ansuz had up their sleeve. To prove their point, they then plugged first one and then a second Sparkz Harmonizer TC2 into the power strip that previously powered my two Velodyne DD+ 10s plus an Acoustic Revive RR-77 and now the Schumann Wave Frequency Generator and the Ansuz PowerBox. The positive effect of the plugs acting in parallel with the audio components was immediately audible thanks to the 05’s immense joy for detail and high resolution capabilities: The sonic image became even more fluent and supple, without sacrificing the excellent rendering of transients and fine detailing of Børresen's top-of-the-line model. The now rich, but certainly not fat, low frequency response made the use of the Velodynes dispensable. Yes, I know that the beneficial impact of the subwoofers is by no means limited to the bass range. But it were also the transient response, the transparency and the precise imaging of the 05 SSEs, that made the author perfectly happy. By the way, only one of my two listening chairs was available at that time, since the second one was just being reupholstered. After the day's exertion, we turned towards Lars Kristensen's second hobby, to which Michael Børresen wouldn’t say no either: gin and tonic. This time it happened to be an X-Gin with bits of crushed cocoa beans and, to the dismay of any real gin connoisseur, Schweppes Dry Tonic Water. Nevertheless, this combination proved to be extremely harmonious.

The feet of the 05 SSE are height adjustable and come prepared to accept Darkz decoupling elements
The feet of the 05 SSE are height adjustable and come prepared to accept Darkz decoupling elements

The next morning we moved a pair of seats into the study and let ourselves be spoiled by the sound of the 05 SSE. Since for all involved it seemed needless to further adjust the speaker positions, I left my seat to Michael Børresen, took place near the Studer A80 and played a few pieces from tape, some familiar and some own recordings. The 05’s developer particularly liked the way how colourful, defined and powerful the low end of the tape recordings sounded over his creations, which other sources usually fall short of. With the good feeling in mind to have brought the 05 SSEs to perform optimally in my room, we then soon made our way to the airport.

In the evening, I raved about the test objects in play to my wife. Unexpectedly, she could not share my euphoria in the least. Eventually, we switched seats. In the mobile rocking chair next to the - currently only - listening chair, one only got a bland set-off of the impressive sonic image that could be savoured in the central position: Tonally, everything was in order, even the resolution was convincing, but the musicians seemed to be grouped exclusively around one speaker only - not even a trace of the previously impressive three-dimensional soundstage remained. It didn't either help to position the chair’s armrests left and right of the imaginary center line of the room: Now it wasn't possible to enjoy the music on either of the two seats on that extremely high level with which the 05 SSEs had previously delighted the person sitting in the central listening position. When sitting alone in front of the Børresens, they made you revel in music and almost completely forget about any sort of hi-fi criteria.

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