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Ferrum HYPSOS - Part 2

01.07.2021 // F.C. Gallowsky, D. Sommer

Before I move the Ferrum to the system in the living room, I allow myself one more attempt that makes a mockery of any rational consideration: I exchange the SBooster power supply, which feeds one of the two 10Gtec media converters for the fibre optic connection to the router, for the HYPSOS. The SBooster is already grossly disproportionate to the price of the converter - we're talking about a factor of ten here - and yet it made a decidedly positive impact in terms of sound. Unfortunately, it's the same with the Ferrum: it's several times more expensive than the SBooster and yet provides a more solid bass foundation, a more intense groove and more air around the instruments.

But now to a more suitable playing partner for the HYPSOS, the Auralic Aries Femto, which receives the music files in the living room via WLAN and forwards them to the Mytek Manhattan II for conversion. Some years ago even the high-quality power supply unit in a metal housing that was supplied with the Femto didn't stand a chance against a first-generation SBooster power supply unit in terms of sound quality. In the meantime, the Femto receives its power from an SBooster MKII. Here, too, the HYPSOS does what one can expect for three times the price of the SBooster: it raises the spatial presentation, the richness of timbre, the energy flow - especially in the bass - and the rhythmic precision to a significantly higher level. Neither with the M-Scaler nor with the media converter were the improvements through the Ferrum HYPSOS as serious as here: I know of no better external power supply. Of course, this quality has its price. But for that, the Hypsos is also universally applicable!

The list of pre-configured devices can be constantly expanded via firmware update
The list of pre-configured devices can be constantly expanded via firmware update

Finally, I would like to compare the HYPSOS with the other active power supplies in my chain. Each of the different power supplies has an individual characteristic: the Keces P3, for example, sounds very dynamic and, like the HYPSOS, very lively. In direct comparison to the SBooster of the first generation, however, a little fluttering. The SBooster power supply sounds more grounded, more stable. Conversely, however, one could say that the SBooster PSU sounds a little bit boring. But perhaps a certain calmness of playback is exactly what the stereo system in question lacks. So often the choice of power supply is a question of point of view and personal taste. Which variant do you find more suitable and which power supply harmonises better with the intended device? For my taste and the Brooklyn DAC+, the point clearly goes to the HYPSOS. It offers both a solid foundation of reproduction and an impressive detail that I had never experienced before. In view of its significantly higher price, however, this additional performance in no way means a devaluation of the other two power supplies in my system. Admittedly, the comparison with a completely new type of power supply is not entirely fair. Furthermore, as far as I know, there is currently no real competitor for the Ferrum HYPSOS with similar technology. The flexibility of this power supply is unparalleled. Once again, it offers every conceivable voltage between five and 30 volts, accurate to a tenth of a volt, with up to 80 watts output power. This makes it a no-brainer for listeners who like to try out different devices or use frequently changing devices in their chain. You almost always have a suitable, high-quality power supply unit at hand to upgrade your equipment. The 4T Sensing Design, the precise monitoring and stabilisation of the voltage at the device via the four-core supply cable, is also a feature that should not be neglected. Ferrum's first step to the hifi market is not only a success, but also an incredibly good advertisement for the new brand.

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