When switching on the power supply for the first time, the desired voltage and polarity must be selected. For many units, the correct settings are already stored. All currently pre-configured device profiles can be found at the end of the article after the manufacturer's specifications. The list can be continuously extended by the Ferrum team by means of firmware updates. So please feel free to inform the team about your device request. Of course, you can also configure the HYPSOS manually if your device is not in the list. All you have to do is determine and set the required voltage and polarity. This information can usually be found on the back of the device or in the manual. If you are unsure, the manufacturer of your device or Ferrum will certainly help. One should not forget that an incorrect setting could destroy the device. That's why HYPSOS asks for each setting again and even offers a ten-second time window before the voltage is released, so that you can cancel the process if necessary. A profile is already stored for my Brooklyn DAC +, which I select by pressing the rotary encoder. The stored voltage and polarity are shown to me for confirmation. Only then does the HYPSOS release the voltage.
In the Skype interview, Marcin Hamerla was joined by Paweł Gorgoń, the head of the research and development department at HEM. Both answered a few questions about the creation of Ferrum and the HYPSOS. My questions about the technical details, on the other hand, were answered in advance by developer Maksymilian Matuszak via email.
Hifistatement: How did the idea to launch your own brand with Ferrum come about?
Marcin: HEM has been around for about 22 years now and we have about 25 people working for us. We have always worked with Mytek, but we also manufacture many OEM products for industrial audio applications. I am very lucky to have met many good and talented people on my way with HEM. Paweł, for example, originally begged me to hire him. It has since been reversed and I would beg him to work for me. He joined the company as a student and has proven to be very talented. He is now the head of the research and development department at HEM and our R&D brain. He is great with electronics, a good programmer, and very good at organizing employees.
Paweł: I would like to interject that the best thing about HEM is teamwork. I can't do everything on my own, so I'm happy to have a talented team of electronics specialists and programmers. Without them, the HYPSOS would not have been possible.
Marcin: A few years ago, the engineering team grew. Most of them are very young and audio enthusiasts. Sometimes they are real show-offs, hungry for success, and often unconventional. With a traditional brand like Mytek, there is not always room for this. That is why Ferrum is like a playground for my engineers and as a result, the HYPSOS was created. The idea for Ferrum is around two years old. The intensive brand development began a year ago. However, the development process of the HYPSOS only took about half a year. That has a lot to do with the high standard of the organization at HEM. The team and its communication and planning are very effective. This aspect is many times underestimated. It often represented the core difficulty of product development. The idea of the brand name Ferrum has different origins. One of them lies in the time of the Teuton tribes. The Vandals lived in what is now Poland at that time. There was a Vandal iron mine near my house. Even today you still need a permit to dig in the neighborhood, as relics from that time can be found everywhere. That's why there is an archaeological museum very close by, which we supported. This is one of the reasons for the name Ferrum.
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