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Soundspace Systems Pirol

22.05.2020 // Dirk Sommer

As already mentioned in the review about the Melco switch, I rapidly became familiar with the Pirol suchlike that I ventured to make use of it to evaluate other components as well: A speaker doesn’t have to be analytical to the highest degree to enable reliable statements about reviewed components. Even a somewhat more forgiving set-up is suitable to clearly carve out differences. The Pirol skilfully combines enlightment with enjoyment. Of course, this assessment proves only fully true after Michael Plessmann from afar Berlin having used Teamviewer to install the new DSP software for the bass modules and set the frequency for the bass roll-off to 27 hertz. After that I was given the choice to adjust the low frequency range in steps of one decibel according to my taste. However, there is no need anymore for the help of the developers or a laptop to perform these adjustments. Turning the knob on the module itself is now sufficient to adapt the bass to the mood of the day. With every day, I like the solution with the active bass increasingly better. Needless to say, that I decided to opt for the more enjoyable variant – one decibel too much rather than too little.

Of course, I couldn't avoid myself comparing the Pirol with the much more expensive Epoque Aeon Fine: Even after having implemented the update of the Pirol, the Epoque still offers a touch of more depth on the imaginary stage, and focuses singers and musicians somewhat sharper. Certainly, this works out as the more accurate tool for the evaluation of components. But tell me, which music lover needs tools to wallow in melodies and rhythms?


Thanks to equally exceptional and autonomous solutions, Michael Plessmann has succeeded in creating a genuine full-range transducer with high sensitivity, which combines playfulness, resolution, dynamics and – if desired – comforting bass in the finest of ways. But don't let the efficiency mislead you: The Pirol plays much too coherent and thrilling to be left solely to lovers of small power amplifiers. A discovery!
Listened with
Turntable Brinkmann LaGrange with tube power supply
Tonearm Thales Simplicity, Einstein The Tonearm 12
Cartridge Lyra Olympos SL, Transrotor Tamino
Phono amp Einstein The Turntable‘s Choice (bal)
Tape recorder Studer A80
NAS Melco N1Z H60/2, WDMyCloud
Streaming Bridge Auralic G1
Up-sampler Chord Electronics Hugo M-Scaler with Poweradd
D/A converter Chord Electronics DAVE
LAN switch SOtM sNH-10G i with Keces P8, Melco S100 with SBooster
10 MHz clock SOtM SCLK-OCX10 with Keces P8
Pre amp Audio Exklusiv R7
Power amp Einstein The Poweramp
Loudspeaker Göbel Epoque Aeon Fine
Cables Goebel High End Lacorde Statement, Audioquest Dragon HC, Tornado (HC) and NRG-Z3, SOtM dCBL-BNC
Accessoires AHP sound module IV G, Audioquest Niagara 5000 and 1000, Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE, HMS wall sockets, Blockaudio C-Lock Lite, Acapella bases, SSC Big Magic Base, Acoustic System feet and Resonators, Artesania Audio Exoteryc, Harmonix Real Focus and Room Tuning Disks, Audio Exklusiv Silentplugs
Manufacturer's specifications
Soundspace System Pirol
Principle 3-way
Power handling 100/ 300 W
Frequency range 20 - 35.000 Hz
Impedance 8 ohms nominal, 4 ohms minimum
Sensitivity 97 dB/W/m
Max. SPL 115 dB
Dimensions (H/W/D) 124/44/48 cm
Weight 240 kg per speaker
Price per pair as from 50,000 euros, 82,000 euros incl. enclosure in solid Rhodesian Teak wood and wood horn

SoundSpaceSystems GmbH
Anschrift Dr. Michael Plessmann
Sensburger Allee 5A
14055 Berlin
Telefon +49 30 91459973
E-Mail info@soundspacesystems.com

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