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Einstein Audio Components – The System – Part 2

07.06.2017 // Dirk Sommer

Four 6C33C tubes provide 65 watts at eight ohms
Four 6C33C tubes provide 65 watts at eight ohms

Unlike a solid-state amplifier, the output power drops when a lower impedance speaker is connected. Therefore, it's best that the speaker impedance should be eight ohms, or even more. Speakers with any drops down to an ohm in the impedance curve or similar bodgeries should be left to other playgrounds. What is also interesting is that the amplifier runs up to a bandwidth of three (!) Megahertz, which then again requires a Boucherot filter in the output. This is to prevent greater nonsense here. The changes in the new Silver Bullet now do not refer to the circuitry, but concern more detailed solutions. I consider this to be quite a positive sign, because if a circuit is properly designed, then there is no "Mark II" version showing up half a year later. In the case of the Einstein monos, the stabilization of the power supplies was improved as well as the housing mechanically stabilized. After all, there has to be a reason for the 30 kilos of weight."

The Pure are immediately recognizable as Einstein components, due to the structure of its surround, the mid-woofer attracts a lot of attention
The Pure are immediately recognizable as Einstein components, due to the structure of its surround, the mid-woofer attracts a lot of attention

So far, colleague Jürgen Saile. Let me just point out that the Silver Bullets have been lifted to a higher level by Harmonix BeauTone Million Maestro cable, and that in a double sense:  physically and sonically. The Thunder cable directly connects the mid-range driver of the semi-active speaker system The Pure to the power tubes of the mono amps. The Fostex mid-woofer unit with a diameter of 15 centimeters works completely without crossover and is supported in the high frequencies by a Fostex ring radiator with aluminum horn. In the signal path a single capacitor determines the starting point of its operating frequency. In order to adjust the high frequency range to the listening room or the owner's taste respectively, Einstein offers the choice between three capacitors with different values ​​to be selected by means of a rotary switch, of which, as already mentioned, only one capacitor is located in the signal path. The puristic concept of the mid-high module is countered by an opulent bass unit:  An IcePower amplifier with an output power of 700 watts serves to prompt a 26-centimeter woofer. A purely analogue crossover allows the frequency and the level to be adapted to the mid-woofer via a rotary control. The high power is required to allow for a sufficient cone travel of the woofer, which has to work on a very small volume. The small volume of the cabinet is intended to provide a colourful and fast bass and prevent the so-called "one note bass." As Volker Bohlmeier explains, the closed cabinet principle also allows the subwoofer to be precisely controlled below its resonance frequency, which makes the placement of The Pure in the listening room very unproblematic. In conjunction with the active bass control, the frequency response of The Pure goes down to 20Hz.

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