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Einstein Audio Components – The System – Part 1

31.05.2017 // Dirk Sommer

Even if the two tubes, each equipped with two circuit boards, are fed by external power supplies, care should be taken regarding their positioning in the system. In the vicinity of strong power transformers they do not feel themselves particularly comfortable, which they acknowledge with a slight hum. It really would be a pity to cut down its outstanding signal-to-noise ratio and the thereof resulting dynamic and detail resolution abilities through a negligent placement. If one pays TTC the attention it deserves, then it enchants with a pitch-black background, before which its sonic abilities are revealed to be all the more radiant. Because even the finest room information doesn't get lost in the noise floor, one feels transferred into large, airy recording spaces, and enjoys an abundance of detail that is well-integrated into the musical flow. The enthusiasm of the musicians captivates—assuming, of course, the corresponding recording—and let's instantly forget all the hi-fi criteria. Oh yes, I intended to restrain myself from offering further sound descriptions, but I know and appreciate the TTC for over a decade now, so you should somewhat forgive me my effusiveness...

The impedance on which a cartridge operates can be determined from this selection of plugs. Special preferences can be therefore easily fulfilled.
The impedance on which a cartridge operates can be determined from this selection of plugs. Special preferences can be therefore easily fulfilled.

Further on, the signal runs from the TTC to the preamp in solely balanced mode as well, as The Preamp has two balanced to go with its three RCA inputs. The inputs are each directly connected to a twin triode, which also serves as an input selector switch. The control knob on the front panel switches on the heating of the corresponding tube:  The selection of inputs works without a switch or relay in the signal path. Facing so much purism, it is no longer surprising that Rolf Weiler also realized a volume control in which the potentiometer doesn't also lay in the signal path. The fact that The Preamp performs brilliantly in all disciplines of hi-fi and is to be regarded as a dynamic exceptionality, this Jürgen Saile has already written in his statement so that I can leave further comments on The Preamp apart. I prefer listening to music instead. In the second part of this review, we will discuss the OTLs briefly, the new loudspeaker system The Pure in greater detail and, eventually, the sound of the chain in full.

The preamp in the Artesania Audio Exoteryc rack, which allows the use of less flexible power cables despite the mains socket being placed in the front part of the bottom plate of the housing.
The preamp in the Artesania Audio Exoteryc rack, which allows the use of less flexible power cables despite the mains socket being placed in the front part of the bottom plate of the housing.

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