When asked, Volker Bohlmeier emphasizes that he has developed the arm using a variety of different cartridges, but it appears to me that The Tonearm and The Pickup are made for each other. Afore, the superbly worked AMG 12JT Turbo tonearm guided the Einstein system—and that to my fullest satisfaction. But in the Einstein arm, The Pickup inspired with a slightly larger room imaging, seeming even more impulsive and enthusiastic. The simplest explanation for this is that the Einstein pickup with its five grams higher effective mass helps the tonearm to put its sonic qualities in the right perspective. Perhaps another arm in The Tonearm's weight class could bring the cartridge to similar great heights. Be that as it may, this combination of tonearm and cartridge created in a German-Japanese-Danish cooperation runs up to an even higher sound level than The Pickup is able to in one of my own tonearms. I am already looking forward to work with Einstein's forthcoming twelve-incher.
I hope you do not take my meanderings amiss: Even if I intended to describe the Einstein chain as a whole, I not always can resist the opportunity to occasionally listen to previously unknown components in my familiar environment. But from now on I will defy the temptation to write about it. From The Tonearm we move to The Turntable's Choice, or TTC in short, connected to it—as aforementioned—by a balanced Einstein cable. The gain of the balanced phono preamp is not variable and is designed to match the output voltage of MC cartridges. Due to the excellent signal-to-noise ratio and the very high overload stability, it furthermore harmonizes equally well with MCs with very low or even high output voltage.
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