The feel-and surface quality of the 6A is simply outstanding. If you are searching long for a small flaw – for not to being called uncritical – one might name the SME geometry. The fact that you have to correct the offset angle if there are no slotted holes in the headshell and you alter the distance between the center of the platter and the pivot of the tonearme for the overhang adjustment, most analog connoisseurs will know, but also what the benefits of this principle are: First and foremost it guarantees ease of use, allowing even inexperienced people to adjust the tonearm in a short time to a high level of perfection – as far as it is obtainable due to this geometry. Also, the absence of slots in the headshell naturally benefits its stability. Having a closer look at the arm it becomes clear to me, all of a sudden, that I fell victim to the plug-and-play mentality: Because I did not install the cartidge I didn't mention that the 6A has slotted holes - although short ones. But these are certainly long enough of adjust the offset angel. So Eddie Driessen uses the SME geometry partially only – and that's no reason for any criticism.
Although Eddy Driessen also offers his own cartridge since 1996, that like the rest of its product range is constantly being refined, he delivers the 6A Greece with a van den Hul Colibri Platinum, which is not surprising when one knows that his current cartrigde derives from a cooperation with the Dutch cartridge specialists: The generator of the Pluto cartridge is made by van den Hul and Eddy Driessen mounts it in a housing, to put his stamp on it, corresponding to his ideal of sound. Of course working with a complete Pluto turntable would have been very appealing, but I will not complain about Eddy Driessens choice of cartridge with even a word: He spoils you and me with van den Huls top model: Like all Colibris the Platinium has a magnetic circuit without front pole, which permits the use of a much shorter cantilever. This reduces the weight to be handled by the modulation of the record: The stylus and the cantilever with its coil can follow the grooves more quickly and precisely. The “Platinum”, that is giving name to our cartridge, does not refer to the platinum-magnets as Koetsu uses it, but on the coil wire, Aalt van den Hul wound the coil of this cartrigde from platinum wire. Because we know platinum does not have the best specific resistance, it would be desirable, to ask Mr. van den Hul a few questions about the selection of this material. A further involvement with the Colibri Platinum at this point is not unlikely, especially as – allow me to anticipate a little – our Dutch trio is able to inspire sonically.
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