
Statements in High Fidelity | German Edition 2022

10.06.2022 // Dirk Sommer, Birgit Hammer (Fotos)

Finally, the time had come again: My colleague Wojciech Pacuła and I were able to personally present the Statement in High Fidelity to the winners. Right on the morning of the first day of the High End, Hideki Kato for the Soulnote P3 and Michael Børresen for the iron less motor system of his drive units in the Børresen 05 SSE received their awards.

Hideki Kato (right) and his companion, who thanks to his linguistic skills played a major role in ensuring that communication with all participants went smoothly
Hideki Kato (right) and his companion, who thanks to his linguistic skills played a major role in ensuring that communication with all participants went smoothly

However, the award could not linger too long in the showcase or the listening booth at the High End. Because it was even nicer than the early handover that we could invite the award winners to a small joint celebration in the evening. And there the awards could not be missing on the photos of course. In the meantime, Wojciech Pacuła and I already feared that the quartet would not have made it from the trade fair to the Bavarian inn in the west of Munich in time. We were sitting at the reserved table in an adjoining room, waiting for our guests and had already ordered the first bottle of sparkling wine. Then a text message reached us asking where we were staying: Our guests had met by chance and made themselves comfortable in the beer garden with typical Bavarian drinks. We moved and spent the whole early summer evening then, since the weather held itself differently than predicted, under the chestnuts so typical for beer gardens and their falling blossoms. However, these did not detract from the relaxed mood and the stimulating conversations - fortunately not only about Hifi and High End.

Lars Kristensen and Michael Børresen, co-owners and creative heads of Audio Group Denmark, under whose umbrella the brands Aavik, Ansuz and Børresen are combined
Lars Kristensen and Michael Børresen, co-owners and creative heads of Audio Group Denmark, under whose umbrella the brands Aavik, Ansuz and Børresen are combined

So, after years, it has once again worked out to hand over the award in the way Wojciech Pacuła and I planned at the beginning of 2019 and were able to implement once in November of that year in Warsaw: still during the trade fair and in person during a dinner to which we invite the award winners. But it's not just the way the award is presented - a relaxed evening with (business) friends, rather than an event for self-promotion - that distinguishes the Statements in High Fidelity from the well-known awards, which are often already widely distributed in an inflationary manner. High and each present only one award at the Audio Video Show in Warsaw and the High End in Munich. And that's how it should stay in the future.

Wojciech Pacuła and the author do not always agree - not only in hi-fi matters - but they have a lot of fun working together on the Statement in high fidelity
Wojciech Pacuła and the author do not always agree - not only in hi-fi matters - but they have a lot of fun working together on the Statement in high fidelity

As a reminder: Wojciech Pacuła awarded the Soulnote preamplifier P3 mainly for its build quality and its independent sound character. He especially liked Hideki Kato's partly unusual technical solutions. Wojciech Pacuła praises the Soulnote P-3 as a top-class high-resolution preamp with beautiful timbres reminiscent of those of the best tube preamps, at an excellent price. Soulnote, by the way, has recently been distributed in Germany by IAD. Michael Børresen received the award because he developed the iron less motor system for the cone driver unit of his 05 Silver Supreme Edition, which reduced the inductance by a factor of about ten, significantly reduced dynamic distortion and dramatically improved the impulse response of the drive units.

Congratulations again to the winners and cheers!
Congratulations again to the winners and cheers!

The previous Statements in High Fidelity:


Siltech Classic Legend Kabelserie
Thiele TA01


Ferrum Hypsos
RCM Audio Big Phono


Ayon CD-35 II HF Edition
Transrotor TRA 9


Gryphon ETHOS
Melco S100


Nordost QPOINT
Audioquest NIAGARA 1000, 5000, 7000, TORNADO, THUNDER, NRG-Z3

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