
Statements in High Fidelity | German Edition 2022

12.05.2022 // Dirk Sommer

Two months ago, as reported, colleague Wojciech Pacuła and I were able to hand over the last of the two Statements in High Fidelity│Polish Edition 2021 to Gabi and Edwin von der Kley for the Siltech Classic Legend cable series. Things are also looking good for the German Edition 2022: We will be able to meet the award winners during the High End in Munich.

After some awards were not handed over personally due to the pandemic, but only sent out, and meetings between the award winners, the colleague and myself could only take place virtually, things now seem to be getting back to normal a bit. While so far among other things also a resonance synchronizer, an audiophile LAN switch and a linerar power supply were awarded, this time more normality returns also with the equipment categories: Our choice, which we made without prior consulting each other as usual, fell on a preamp as well as a loudspeaker.


You have already read about Wojciech Pacuła's intense involvement with the Soulnote P-3 here. He appreciates in detail its quality of workmanship and distinctive sound character as well as the partly unusual technical solutions of Hideki Kato and comes to the following conclusion: "The P-3 Special Edition is a top class preamplifier, which belongs to the few devices of this kind, which are really the "heart" of the system and feels comfortable with it. It doesn't obscure anything, is highly resolving, while also having beautiful timbres reminiscent of those of the best tube preamps. Its construction is remarkable in its desire to "embrace" every detail, and its looks are very cool indeed. This is high-end at an excellent price."


That the Børresen 05 Silver Supreme Edition is my current loudspeaker favorite has already been mentioned in the review. But in terms of the award they are only a totum pro parte: Pole plates and cores made of iron were, as long as there are dynamic speakers, a - seemingly - indispensable element in every drive unit. But Michael Børresen proves with his patented iron less motor system in his driver units that they are not. This allows the inductance of the driver to be reduced by a factor of around ten: Dynamic distortion is significantly reduced and the impulse response of the ironless drive unit is dramatically improved. A further reduction in inductance is achieved by the solid copper- or silver rings in the Silver Supreme Edition between the magnets. The award for the Børresen 05 is therefore to be understood as a honor for the ironless magnet drive

If everything works out as planned, the Statements in High Fidelity│German Edition 2022 should be on display in the award winners' showrooms at the upcoming High End as early as noon on Thursday.

Congratulations to the award winners!


The previous Statements in High Fidelity:


Siltech Classic Legend Kabelserie
Thiele TA01


Ferrum Hypsos
RCM Audio Big Phono


Ayon CD-35 II HF Edition
Transrotor TRA 9


Gryphon ETHOS
Melco S100


Nordost QPOINT
Audioquest NIAGARA 1000, 5000, 7000, TORNADO, THUNDER, NRG-Z3

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