In the review dealing with the best two-way loudspeaker I've come across so far, namely the Børresen 01 Silver Supreme, I already mentioned that Lars Kristensen and Michael Børresen had been experimenting with feet intended for resonance control made of zirconium. This material is now to be found in three of their product groups, some of which are still in the prototype stage.
Lars Kristensen, one of the company's owners, and Morten Thyrrestrup, who is responsible for the German dealer network and trade fair appearances throughout Germany, took this multitude of innovations, some of which will not be ready for series production until next year, as an opportunity to pay my listening room a visit on their tour through Germany. After we had briefly familiarised ourselves with the sonic performance of my current audio chain, Morten Thyrrestrup placed one of the new Darkz Z-2 Supreme on my preamplifier. Even though I have only noticed and used the Darkz up to day as feet for the special mounting fixtures under the Børresen speakers, Ansuz PowerSwitches and Aavik components, they were rather designed by Ansuz with the approach to control the resonance behaviour in general. So it very much makes sense to place them on equipment to harmonise its resonances, Lars Kristensen explained. The three zirconium discs, which find contact to each other via tungsten balls and which undergo a special surface treatment in a Magnetron Sputtering Unit at the Danish Technological Institute in Aarhus, did have an effect on the sound of the system, and by no means a negative one: There were slight improvements in terms of spatial imaging and transparency. The musical happening also took place in front of a blacker background.
This extremely positive effect got intensified with each of the Darkz Z-2 Supremes that was subsequently added to one component after the other. Finally, Morten Thyrrestrup had distributed the stock he had brought along with him on the subwoofers, the power amplifier, the PowerSwitch, the streaming bridge, the NAS data storage unit and the power supply of the up-scaler. The Darkz Z-2 Supreme, which were added piece by piece, were audible and had a positive impact on the sound. However, the intensity of the improvements varied. Even though I didn't listen to the respective zirconium discs one by one on each of the mentioned components in comparison, I had the impression that the preamp responded most intensively to them. Nevertheless, one component had been left out, perhaps because it turns out - mentally speaking - more difficult to try out such a tuning measure on studio equipment. So I suggested placing a Darkz on the Studer A80 as well - and it proved to be effective here, too.
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