
Celebrating 10 Years of Bergmann Audio

06.07.2018 // Dirk Sommer

The shape of the wheels and the guide rail make a special vertical bearing indispensable. The serial version will probably differ significantly from this prototype
The shape of the wheels and the guide rail make a special vertical bearing indispensable. The serial version will probably differ significantly from this prototype

However, with increasing quantities it turns difficult to keep the control of each manufacturing step on the accustomed level, and that doesn't really make things easier. Bergmann Audio has recently been producing up to 80 turntables a year. Johnnie B's conventional milling and lathe machinery came to reach the limit, which probably ended in killing the production of the elaborately made Sleipner. The intention to manage the required quantities by maintaining or even increasing the quality, finally led to major changes: ​​ About a year ago, Eva Seiberg and her husband left the town of Karup, rented the current production facilities in Hobro, leased CNC-controlled milling and lathe machines, and moved into a new private domicile. Of course, Johnny B. did not break up with his hand-operated machines, and that's because there isn't the slightest need:  the factory in Hobro offers plenty of space. Thanks to these modern means of production, Johnnie B. now has sufficient time again to take care of new developments, such as the proposed "small" turntable.

The building's first hall accommodates the raw aluminum profiles…
The building's first hall accommodates the raw aluminum profiles…

As Werner Obst had already told me on the way to Hobro, for quite a while now Johnnie B. has been thinking about a model that's even more sophisticated. This he willingly confirmed after being asked about it. However, where his plans are going to take him, he did not disclose at all. He remained equally ambiguous when we addressed a possible reissue of the Sleipner. Thanks to the modern machinery around, this surely wouldn't encumber him as the company's CEO too badly. Even if Christmas isn't round the corner, a Sleipner Mk2 already has conquered the top of my analogue wish list, accompanied, of course, by the possibility of mounting more than one tonearm to it! But let's see what happens. Maybe we'll hear more about it at the forthcoming High End show in Munich. Until then, I'll divert myself with the new top-of-the-range tonearm model:  Next week it is expected to have an Odin shipped from Hobro to Gröbenzell. However, Bergmann Audio will remain an exciting topic in Hifistatement also in the future, period!


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