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MSB Technology Cascade DAC

08.11.2024 // Dirk Sommer

Strictly speaking, there is not one, but two clock generators: one each for the 44.1 and 48 kilohertz sampling rate families. MSB uses two different oscillators in order to be able to dispense with circuits for generating the two clock rates from the signal of just one oscillator. This is because these circuits would add interference and distortion to the sensitive clock signal. The oscillator circuit of the frequency family that is not currently required is deactivated so that the active frequency family is not affected. The company website also explains once again that a clock for audio applications is not about clock accuracy over time, but about minimizing jitter and phase noise. The third component of the Cascade DAC system is the Powerbase, the sophisticated analog power supply for the Analog Converter. To reduce contamination of the current by local computers, lighting and household appliances, an additional AC filter is located in front of the three high-power transformers wound to MSB specifications. On the secondary side of the electrically and magnetically shielded transformers, coil and capacitor banks then remove a large part of the residual noise from the direct current after the discrete silicon carbide rectifiers. This is then stabilized by discrete, extremely low-noise linear power supplies. The five individual voltages are then available for the Cascade DAC at a ten-pin socket. MSB developed the sockets as well as the so-called "Summit cable" with the Swiss company Fischer Connectors.

Above the four input modules in the Digital Director, below the analog inputs and outputs of the Analog Converter/preamp combination
Above the four input modules in the Digital Director, below the analog inputs and outputs of the Analog Converter/preamp combination

As new interfaces are constantly being added in the comparatively fast-moving world of digital technology and previously tried and tested ones are becoming less important, devices with a certain number of fixed inputs would quickly become outdated and lose their value. This is why MSB has already equipped its earlier DACs and now the Director with slots for input modules. The Cascade system comes with an "Optical/Coaxial Module" with one RCA and one Toslink input each, which occupies one of four slots. As with the optionally available "Balanced XLR Module", there is a BNC socket as an isolated word sync output for clocking the devices supplying the signals. As the data and bit rates as well as the data formats for S/PDIF connections are limited, it is of course advisable to use more universally applicable modules. In my experience to date, data obtained via Ethernet produces better sound results than data supplied via USB. This is why the "Network Renderer V2" is the input of choice for my review. MSB has designed its own processor card and software with sonic performance and low noise in mind. The Renderer V2 interface, which is MQA and Roon compatible, replaces a high-quality external streaming bridge, is priced at a customer-friendly 2050 euros - not only by MSB standards - and runs completely stable with the JPLAY app.

The Powerbase provides the power for the Analog Converter/preamp combination
The Powerbase provides the power for the Analog Converter/preamp combination

Those who prefer a USB connection have a choice: On the one hand, there is the normal "USB input", which accepts data rates up to 384 kilohertz and DSD256 and of which there is also an MQA version. However, USB sounded better than via this input during the review of theReference DAC when it was equipped with the "ProISL Interface", which was connected to the "ProUSB Input" via a fiber optic cable. In the absence of a ProUSB input, I am unfortunately unable to judge whether this type of galvanic isolation between the USB source and the MSB converter is also advantageous for the Cascade system, in which data is only transmitted between the Director and the Analog Converter via optical fiber anyway. Finally, the American digital specialists also offer the "Dual ProI2S Input Module" for connection to older components of their own production. The assignment of the contacts is not compatible with standard HDMI interfaces. Fortunately, providing different input modules is not the only measure with which Jonathan and Daniel Gullman want to future-proof the investment in their components. As Jürgen Sachweh, head of German MSB distributor Hifi2Die4, noted, "old" DACs are taken back on very generous terms when an upgrade to a new, higher-quality device takes place. His example: If a customer has bought a Premier DAC for 31,000 euros and after 2 years would like to buy the Cascade DAC for 109,000 euros, then the 31,000 euros will be fully credited against the price of 109,000 euros.

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