More than three years ago, I introduced you to the Ansuz PowerSwitch D-TC Supreme and the matching Digitalz Ethernet cables on this site. This combo surpassed everything I had encountered in this field so far, not only in terms of sonic performance, but unfortunately also in terms of expenditure. In the meantime, Ansuz went on to develop the new Gold Signature line.
Back in August 2021, Lars Kristensen, one of the co-owners of the Audio Group Denmark, and Morten Thyrrestrup, the Sales Manager for Europe, showed a not-yet-final version of the Digitalz D-TC Gold Signature Ethernet alongside the Darkz Z2 Signature and the prototypes of the Sortz during their visit to my place in Gröbenzell. But it didn’t end there: I was granted to briefly loop the prototype Ethernet cable into my system - in place of the Digitalz D-TC Supreme, which handled the data between the media converter and the PowerSwitch, and which had been all-around convincing so far. Although this is most likely not the most exposed routing of the Ethernet connection sonically - we were listening to files sourced from the Melco, and not streaming from the internet -, the nearly finished Gold Signature rendered an even more believable spatial illusion, as well as provided more openness and richer timbres. So, the use of gold and zirconium definitely made a positive impact.
During my last visit to Aalborg, not only was the entire audio system there wired with Gold Signature connections, but the PowerSwitch had undergone a revision, too. Since the planned test of the preamplifier and power amplifier of Aavik’s 880 series will still be a bit delayed, I ordered quite spontaneously the Switch along with matching cables during the Munich High End show for testing purposes. As happens with all components provenient from the Audio Group Denmark (AGD) with their brands Aavik, Ansuz, Axxess and Børresen, the Digitalz D-TC Gold Signature also uses the ever evolving noise reduction, resonance control and dither technologies. As already mentioned earlier, the current top-of-the-range model benefits from the exclusive use of gold and zirconium. Like the D-TC Supreme, it also features eight Tesla active coils, each configured with 70-centimeter wire, wound directly onto the outer part of the cable to protect the signal from absorbing RF interference from the air. This absorbs noise, with the active version being about three to four times more efficient than with the passive cable Tesla coils. In both cable models, the Teflon insulating layer is also electrically charged.
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