The next morning, we took the PS Audio out of the rack, put the Niagara in it and put some unused, easily accessible cables aside. Then Robert Hay headed to the airport and I went to a baroque festival for recording. A few days later I removed the rack with pro-equipment and the Sonic Line filter from the listening room to make room for the Niagara 1000 and completely rewire the system with Tornado, Thunder and NRG. Even if it is not necessary – as described above – for sonic reasons, the cables of the digital components entered the Niagara 1000, and the cables of the turntable, phono stages and preamplifier were plugged into the Niagara 7000. When, finally, there was some order restored, I could enjoy my system – out of comfort, with digital material only. First I listened to one or two albums that had almost fallen into oblivion, but then I also listened to a few of the usual test files: The sound in my listening had never been so compelling before. AudioQuest's power technology takes my system to a higher level.
Listened with
Tape Recorder | Studer A80 |
NAS | Melco N1ZH/2, WDMyCloud |
Streaming Bridge | Auralic Aries Femto with SBooster BOTW P&P Eco |
Server | Auralic Aries G2 with 5GB HDD |
D/A-Converter | Chord Electronics DAVE |
Up-Sampler | Chord Electronics M-Scaler |
LAN-Switch | Telegärtner (Japan) M12 Switch Gold |
Turntable | Brinkmann LaGrange with tube power supply |
Tonearm | Thales Simplicity, Einstein The Tonearm 12 |
Pickup Cartridge | Lyra Olympos, Transrotor Tamino |
Phonostufe | Einstein The Turntable‘s Choice (balanced) |
Phono preamp | Einstein The Preamp |
Endstufe | Einstein The Poweramp |
Power amplifier | Kaiser Acoustics Kawero! Classic, Göbel Epoque Aeon Fine |
Cables | HMS Gran Finale Jubilee, Swiss Cables Reference Plus, Goebel High End Lacorde, Audioquest Diamond |
Accessories | PS Audio Power Regenerator P5, Sonic-Line Filter, Clearaudio Matrix, Sun Leiste, Audioplan Powerstar, AHP Klangmodul IV G, HMS wall socket,, Acapella Bases, Acoustic System Feet und Resonators, Ar-tesania Audio Exoteryc, Harmonix Real Focus und Room Tuning Disks, Audio Exklusiv Silentplugs |
AudioQuest BV
Address | Hoge Bergen 10 4704RH Roosendaal The Netherlands |
Phone | +31 165 54 1404 | | |
Web | |
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