I move over to the Spanish tenors of Il Divo and to the sounds of "Regresa a Mi" from the album Il Divo. In addition to the super clean mid and high-frequency rendering of the voices, the uncanny precision and spaciousness can also be experienced here. At this point mediocre speakers can easily get annoying, or the voices may spatially vanish into flat fields. However, there are no talks here: The BLOCKAUDIO speakers actively show their clear view of the whole, without concealing any detail. On In Between Times the Irish singer Cara sings up with "Poisened Peas" to an even higher level. The Shelf Block performs this Celtic music in a refreshingly clear and accentuated way, lacking any kind of sharpness. But whenever it comes down to it, the BLOCKAUDIO speakers can also reveal a lot of warmth. The voice of Nils Landgren on "Nightlife" from his album Best Of Nachtcafe creates a tingling blues atmosphere and the pearling of the piano gives you the feeling of being in the middle of the concert, even with your eyes closed.
"Rex Noster" by Hildegard von Bingen from the album Inspiration - Songs And Visions also involves a lot of emotion. The women's ensemble VocaME under the conduction of Michael Popp sings traditional melodies from the High Middle Ages. In this excellent recording, the Shelf Block pulls out all the stops: The seamless reproduction of highest female voices and deep spatiality combined with tremendous dynamics let the heart of any high-end afficionado beat faster. Not only at this point the compact BLOCKAUDIO speaker is capable to evidence that it is a big one in sound.
Its great enthusiasm and tonal fidelity it also proves in Johann Sebastian Bach's "Violin Concerto No. 2 in E Major, BWV: 1. Allegro" in the version of Daniel Lazokovich accompanied by the Chamber Orchestra of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. In the hi-res version of Qobuz, the violins and the Stradivari of exceptional talent Lazokovich glisten themselves up to unprecedented highs, but without neglecting any accuracy and analytic skills.
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