First, I took a listen at Keri Noble's "Last Morning". Her voice had the necessary smoothness and also the fading piano caused a feeling of pleasure. This piece of music contains some utterly critical passages especially in the mids, which I've seldomly heard as clean as with the Shelf Blocks.
Ian Melrose’s "Pink Panther" from the album A Shot In The Dark impresses with the physicalness the guitars are played with. One really gets the feeling of being part of the live event and not having to get along with tinned music. Even deep guitar tones evolve in a convincing and realistic manner. Regarding spatial imaging, everything is clearly structured and in its specific place. For the evaluation of deepest lows, I like to use "Flight of the Cosmic Hippo" from the album of the same name by Bella Fleck and the Fleckstones, and I become truly amazed by the low bass the BLOCKAUDIO speakers are able to deliver. Naturally, my Wilson Audio Maxx play somewhat deeper down, but the feeling of enjoyment is still very prominent here. This is principally due to the fact that the Shelf Block speakers are able to render many different shades of gray, and not only deep blacks.
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