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Göbel High End Lacorde Statement XLR and Speaker

31.10.2014 // Dirk Sommer

Very elegant, but impractical for test purposes: The Lacorde Statement XLRs do not have any markings to identify the right or left channel.
Very elegant, but impractical for test purposes: The Lacorde Statement XLRs do not have any markings to identify the right or left channel.

Since changing the Lacorde Statement XLR between pre and power amp, and later between pre amp and phono stage the same stunning results were true - in all disciplines a little more of the good and in none, less. It was clear to me that I will have to describe the Göbel cable to you in more detail. In the meantime, I asked about the price: The speaker cable costs € 10,000 Euros in the standard length, the XLR cable € 2,500. Although that is quite “cracking”, it is still overshadowed by the Audioquest Wild. I tried a little self-appeasement - until Oliver Göbel just casually remarked that his prices are, of course, per cable, not per stereo pair. But even that could not change my opinion after my first listening impressions while testing the noble cables.

When the Lacordes are found in my listening room the second time, the Lumen has resumed its rightful place again. It is quickly clear that an earthy, colorful and slightly comfortably warm bass does not have to be accompanied by a loss of information: With the Lacorde Statement, you do not have to choose between a huge imaginary space or melodic, refined, yet rich bass response. Here, you absolutely get both! The advantages of Lacorde Statement XLRs are also confirmed in various configurations: Between tube pre and power amp, between the Violas with their semiconductors, between Einstein’s The Turntable's Choice using van den Hul’s The Grail SB and the Viola Crescendo, but also, on the input side, the EAR 912 equipped with step-up transformers. I'm sorry, I can not see any basis for criticism with the Göbel Lacorde Statement – well maybe just one: The design of the XLR connectors unfortunately precludes use with equipment that have terminals placed very close together. Before you start raving with unfounded fanaticism about cables priced beyond good and evil, very briefly: The Lacorde Statement are the best cables I have ever heard with my system.


Oliver Göbel proves with his creations that we neither need to give up a solid bass foundation in order to get outstanding spatial illusion, nor the highest resolution in order to enjoy a colorful low frequency range with lots of power. The Göbel High End Lacorde Statement conjures a little more out of your system in every discipline. Unfortunately, this comes at a price. Anyone who doesn’t need to worry about that must be quite happy.

The XLR connector inserts are from Neutrik, most of the rest is made by Göbel.
The XLR connector inserts are from Neutrik, most of the rest is made by Göbel.

Listened with
Turntable Brinkmann LaGrange with tube power supply

Tonearm AMG Viella 12‟, Thales Simplicity
Cartridge Air Tight PC-1, Brinkmann EMT ti, Lyra Olympos
Phono stage Einstein The Turntable’s Choice, van den Hul The Grail SB
Computer iMac 27‟, 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 8 GB, OS X Version 10.9.2
Audio Player Amarra Symphony 2.6
CD transport Wadia WT3200
D/A converter Mytek 192-DSD-DAC
Pre amp EAR Yoshino 912
Power amp Ayon Epsilon with KT 150
Speakers LumenWhite DiamondLight Monitors, Acapella Violon VI
Cables Precision Interface Technology, Sunwire Reference, HMS Gran Finale Jubilee, Audioplan Powercord S, Audioquest, Swiss Cables Reference,
Accessories PS Audio Power Plant Premier, Clearaudio Matrix, Sun Strip, Audioplan Power Star, HMS wall outlets, Acapella bases, Acoustic System feet and resonators, Finite Element Pagode Master Reference Heavy Duty and Cerabase, Harmonix Real Focus

Manufacturer’s Specifications
Goebel High End Lacorde Statement XLR

Conducting material High conductivity and highly pure special alloy
Dielectric Pressed Teflon®
Connectors Modified Neumann fittings for maximum contact pressure, lowest transition resistance and long term stability
Construction Multiple stranded construction, use of special materials in order to prevent static charges as well as to rule out microphoni effects produced by resonances
Length 1 x 1.2 m
Price Price Euro 5,000 Euro for a pair with 1.2 m length, each additional 40 cm for a pair Euro 1,400
Manufacturer’s Specifications
Goebel High End Lacorde Statement Speaker Cable
Conducting material Hochleitfähige und hochreine Speziallegierung
Dielectric Pressed Teflon®
Connectors In-house manufactured spades made from tellurium copper and highly pure silver for maximum contact pressure, lowest transition resistance and long term stability
Construction Multiple stranded construction, use of special materials in order to prevent static charges as well as to rule out microphonic effects produced by resonances
Length 1 x 3 m
Price Price Euro 20,000 for a pair with 3.0 m length, each further or less 50 cm for a pair Euro 2,600
Goebel High End
Address Schabweg 4a
82239 Alling
Phone +49 8141 2255887
E-Mail info@goebel-highend.de
Web www.goebel-highend.de

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