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Göbel High End Lacorde Statement XLR and Speaker

31.10.2014 // Dirk Sommer

The splitbox really only has the task of covering the junction of the actual wiring to the connectors. But due to their weight they also stabilize the relatively light cable thereby preventing any microphonic effects.
The splitbox really only has the task of covering the junction of the actual wiring to the connectors. But due to their weight they also stabilize the relatively light cable thereby preventing any microphonic effects.

The Lacorde Statement is packaged in a fine box, which is adorned with an embossed Goebel family coat of arms. The speaker cables are much lighter than one would expect when seeing them. The majority of the weight is from the exquisitely made so-called split boxes, hiding the junction of the actual wiring to the connectors for plus and minus. It is also evident from the feel and presentation that the Lacorde Statements have the right to play in the highest league. The only small shortcoming: The XLR cable just doesn’t want to get along with the Mytek converter. It’s not at all about the sound, but only the mechanics: The connectors in the small DAC are just too close together for the hefty Lacorde Statement XLR's. No one would really be tempted to connect a pro-audio grade converter to high-end cables costing many times more than the component.

Cable tests are for many colleagues and myself not really popular because the findings are not easily transferable. The result strongly depends on the electrical parameters of the connected inputs and outputs. For that reason, I'm glad I tried connecting the Lacorde Statement speaker cables between the Ayon tube power amp and the LumenWhite speakers as well as from the Ayon to the Acapella Violon and the transistor Viola Concerto and the Lumen. And the result was still just as good - probably the understatement of the year! In the first brief encounter with the Göbel cable, the Acapella Violon stood in the listening room. Beside the power cable, the entire system was connected all with Swiss Cables that had inspired the previous test with superb transparency, distinctive detail and expansive spatial impressions. However, in conjunction with the Lumen it was missing a little warmth. With the Acapella, however, I didn’t miss anything at all in this part of the frequency spectrum.

The spades, manufactured for Göbel High End, are made of silver-plated tellurium copper.
The spades, manufactured for Göbel High End, are made of silver-plated tellurium copper.

The change over to the Lacorde Statement brought about more details and created a larger room with more realistic instruments. The low frequency range seemed to be minimally stronger, but thanks to the colorfulness and perfect definition, it was not too much of a good thing. The differences were so clear to comprehend that it needed no further changing of connections. Simply unbelievable that so much resolution can be accompanied by such strong tonality and such a rich foundation!

With this speaker cable you do not need to exchange advantages in certain disciplines for disadvantages in others. You definitely know this phenomenon as well: A cable or a component, which has slightly leaner bass or a slight accentuation in the upper midrange, subjectively has better transparency. On the other hand, a thoroughly enjoyable, slightly fatter upper bass reproduction takes away from openness. Not so with the Lacorde Statement: Here there is more fine detail and air, yet not the slightest hint of coolness or fatigue.

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