
A Visit to Finite Elemente

01.12.2022 // Dirk Sommer, Birgit Hammer (Photography)

The warehouse section with pre-packaged products from the Cera family
The warehouse section with pre-packaged products from the Cera family

Since production of the racks is made to order, Finite Elemente can also respond to special requests: For a customer in India, for example, a rack was built to match the colour of the loudspeakers of a complete Burmester system, Luis Fernandes revealed. At the moment, Finite Elemente has 25 distributors and is represented in 30 countries. Pagode racks accounted for about 70 per cent of sales, Cera feet for 20 per cent and Carbofibre° HD platforms for 10 per cent. Finite Elemente purchases the Cera products completely packed from a manufacturer just 30 kilometres away. However, the manufacturer is supplied with pre-packed bags of accessories, the contents of which are put together in Meschede when no major orders are pending and there would otherwise be a risk of idle time. For example, M6/M8 thread adapters are enclosed with the Cerabase.

Specifications for the assembly of the Resonators
Specifications for the assembly of the Resonators

Despite all the innovations and different versions, the most important construction features of the racks have remained the same: On the one hand, the upper frames and the bottom frame, which is screwed to the side pillars, are made of solid Canadian maple that has been stored and dried for a longer period of time. Luis Fernandes chose this type of wood because it has a lot of sustain and is in no way overdamped. The frame is topped by an inserted shelf, which in the first version consisted of two layers of MDF with damping material in between and was then veneered or lacquered. From today's perspective, the developer describes these shelves as overdamped. In the current MKII version, the shelves consist of a honeycomb structure that is veneered all around or, in the Carbofibre° version, surrounded by carbon fibre plates. Initially, spikes provided the coupling of the shelf to the frame. In the current version, ceramic balls mounted in metal bolts take over this task. The frames are still connected to the metal side pillars on the right and left by four so-called side spikes each, and for about 20 years proprietarily designed Resonators specially tuned to the number and size of the component levels have ensured that the most pronounced resonances are converted into heat. Luis Fernandes developed this technology in cooperation with the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Further information can be found here. The bottom level, which is screwed to the side pillars, then rests on stainless steel spikes with integrated floor protection plates or Cerabase, depending on the model.

The total length of a Resonator is determined
The total length of a Resonator is determined

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