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Axxess Forté1

27.10.2023 // Wolfgang Kemper

The bass in "Krakatoa Moon" from Of Moons and Dreams by the Cécile Verny Quartet explodes almost like soap bubbles. The Axxess makes it enormously easy to trace individual instruments. Yet it presents a harmonic coherence that confers voices and instruments body and their space. In view of these sonic capabilities, rock is of course really fun, such as Sticky Fingers by the Rolling Stones was able to prove. The Forté1 makes the reckless sound of "Brown Sugar" immediately palpable. Nevertheless, when drawing my personal conclusion, this Forté makes its skills more audible with classical music and jazz than with rock music, where the given tonality sometimes tends to more presence. The Axxess by no means appears to be a palliator and thus sometimes uncovers weaknesses.

Last but not least, the headphone output deserves some attention as well. My Denon headphones harmonized extremely well with the Forté’s clean and controlled sound. The overdone lows, caused by sometimes sounding a bit too fat with other sources, do not exist here. Instead, this frequency range is honoured by power and contour. In the version of the Depeche Mode hit "Personal Jesus" by the Jazzystics with Karen Souza, the cymbals of the drum set sound soft, metallic, colourful, the bass lines paint their melody into one’s ear. Karen Souza's whisper-tender voice sounds as articulate as it is flattering. Piano and vibraphone shape this "Personal Jesus" with their tonal arcs and make it as exciting as beautiful.

Perfect order at the back as well: The speaker terminals on the outside make sense. The S/PDIF coaxial input is implemented in BNC fashion, and not in RCA as usual. This is absolutely in line, because BNC first creates the ground contact, which prevents potentially harmful interference signals
Perfect order at the back as well: The speaker terminals on the outside make sense. The S/PDIF coaxial input is implemented in BNC fashion, and not in RCA as usual. This is absolutely in line, because BNC first creates the ground contact, which prevents potentially harmful interference signals


The Axxess Forté1 offers a superb price/performance ratio. It pleases with sensible equipment, so that there is no wish left to be desired. Its musicality is absolutely convincing: far more than I had expected. I found the pure tonality of classical music and jazz, paired with silky, beautiful timbres, fascinating. The elegant outfit makes the positive overall picture perfect. If you are looking for a great-sounding all-in-one solution, you should definitely listen to the Axxess Forté.
Listened with
  • CD transport: Wadia WT 3200
  • Computer: Dell i7 with Windows 10 Pro, AudiophileOptimizer 3.0, Roon
  • Streaming portal: Qobuz
  • Loudspeakers: Analysis-Audio Epsylon
  • Headphones: Denon AH-D2000
  • Accessories: Audioquest Diamond USB, Habst USB Ultra-3, QED Genesis Silver Spiral LS with Enacom LS speaker cable, MudraAkustik Max mains filter and mains cable, AHP pure copper fuses, Room absorbers by Mbakustik and Browne Akustik, Audioquest Fog Lifters
Manufacturer's Specifications
Axxess Forte 1
  • Line input: Max. input voltage 4.5V RMS / Input impedance 10kohms
  • Digital inputs BNC S/P-DIF: PCM 24-bit 44-192kHz and MQA, TOSLINK optical: PCM 24-bit 44-192kHz and MQA, USB UAC 2: PCM 32-bit 44,1-384kHz, MQA, DSD64, DSD128
  • Pre Out: 1 pair RCA: Max. output voltage 7,5Vrms
  • Distortion Line stage: <0,005% (THD @ 1kHz, 1V input)
  • Output impedance: 50 ohms
  • Volume control: 76 levels per 1dB
  • Loudspeaker output: 2x 100 watts @ 8 ohms
  • Harmonic distortion (THD+N): <0,003% (1W, 1kHz, 8ohms)
  • IMD: <0,006% (10W, 8ohms)
  • TIM: <0,003% (10W, 8ohms)
  • Streaming: UPnP AV 1.0, DLNA 1.5, Spotify Connect, Tidal Connect, Qobuz (added by the author)
  • Aavik Noise suppression: Active Tesla Coils: 36, Active Square Tesla Coils: 72, Dither circuits: 3, Anti Areal Resonance Coils: 0
  • Headphone output: 1/4“ jack
  • Impedance: 32-600 ohms
  • Max. output power: 120mW @ 600ohms, 240mW @ 32ohms
  • THD: 600ohms: THD: <0.01% @ 120mW, 32ohms: THD: <0.005% @ 240mW
  • Power consumption: Standby: <1W, Idle: <30W
  • Weight: 7,9kg
  • Dimensions: W 370 x D 420 x H 110mm
  • Price: 5,000 euros
Audio Group Denmark
Address Rebslagervej 4
DK-9000 Aalborg
Web audiogroupdenmark.com

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