UMACTM stands for "Unmachined Audio Control". This technology is intended to avoid the disadvantages of conventional switching amplifiers, because UMACTM generates the pulse width modulation not with the frequently applied triangle modulation, but with a sine wave modulation. These sine waves are said to load the signal far less with high-frequency noise than triangles, have no sharp corners and therefore require decisively less filtering at the output. The low inductance at the output allows the amplifier, according to the Danes, a better damping factor and very good control of the speakers. The dual mixed-mode feedback further contributes to the excellent damping factor, they added. The tight control of the speakers thanks to the high damping factor is one of the clearly perceivable sound characteristics of the Forté1, which is apparent from the first listen.
Setting up a Forté is child's play, even if the included remote control proves to be not very intuitive, which you can also gout as a mental challenge. After booting up and, if you want, the first update check, you can start in streamer mode. The Audio Group Denmark offers a software with the same name that is compatible with iPads. It is based on Mconnect. If you use an iPhone or an Android device to control the streamer, Mconnect Control is suggested. Controlling the Forte via USB with Roon is also an option. Here, the Forté is recognized as a D/A converter. But Roon in conjunction with the streamer will also be possible as soon as the manufacturer is granted the Roon Ready license, which may take a few months. Whether this is pepped with a sonic advantage, is then certainly exciting to know and easy to try out. The Forté processes PCM up to 384 kilohertz and DSD128 natively as both a D/A converter and streamer.
The casing appears to be not only aesthetically beautiful, but also acoustically optimized thanks to its mix of materials. In addition to the elegant front, the solid bottom plate made of a special compound material stands out, the edging of which also contributes to the attractive visual effect. The two side elements, each strikingly decorated with four Xs, are made of powder-coated aluminum. If you remove the thinner lid, which is also made of the compound material, and after detaching the four locking plates, each decorated with three round and elongated recesses and made of silver-grey anodized aluminum, you will find an eightfold screwed, shielding steel plate underneath, which you have to remove as well if you want to take a look inside. This is worthwhile just to be pleased about the accurate construction. The power supply and other components are clearly and cleanly separated from each other and you can immediately recognize the PCB with the 36 active Tesla coils near the front panel of the device at a proper distance from the lavishly equipped display PCB, even though the LED display uses a low-interference technology by itself.
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