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Axxess Forté1

27.10.2023 // Wolfgang Kemper

The LED matrix display takes up almost the entire front and informs with red dots about title and artist when streaming or PCM or DSD format of the music file when playing, for example, from Roon via USB or via the BNC equipped S/PDIF input from a CD player. Changes of the volume level are also briefly indicated when another info fills the display. The volume is finely graduated in one-decibel increments from zero to -76 decibels. On the right of the acrylic front, which contributes to the Forté's dignified elegance, there are three buttons ordered vertically, while next to them the large rotary wheel for volume or menu selection is to be found. Below the three buttons, the headphone jack, which is also black coloured, is hardly noticeable. The upper of the three buttons activates the Axxess from standby mode, but this can also be performed conveniently via the remote control. In the middle sits the mute button, which also mutes the speakers in headphone mode when correspondingly preset. Below that the third button calls up the menu, which can then be operated via the large rotary wheel.

The view into the Forté1 shows the clear structured concept
The view into the Forté1 shows the clear structured concept

The Forté1 comes with useful options, such as activating the headphone and preamp outputs. The latter is intended for an active subwoofer or an additional power amplifier. Above all, the brightness of the large display can be varied or programmed to switch off a few seconds after an operation. The large display provides perfectly legible information even at a great distance and can be a bit too bright up close, which can be compensated for by dimming it accordingly. An original feature is that it can also display the Forté's operating temperature in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit at the same time. This lets you know how cool this amplifier stays with its special power technology. Even during prolonged listening sessions at high volume levels, the Forté rarely gets warmer than room temperature. Responsible for this behaviour is on the one hand the proprietary power supply technology, which is also found in the expensive products of the Audio Group Denmark and the UMACTM power stage from Pascal on the other. The listening test will prove that this concept combines low power consumption, practically no heat loss and particular sound capabilities.

The matrix display is pleasing thanks to variable brightness, time-variable dimming and, above all, useful information
The matrix display is pleasing thanks to variable brightness, time-variable dimming and, above all, useful information

The power supply technology is derived from the Aavik 180/280/580 series, as does the UMACTM power amplifier concept. The resonant mode power supply is quiet and powerful at the same time. The Aavik line was developed with the goal of ensuring massive power resources backed up by a low noise level. According to the Danes, this resonant mode design works with sine waves as opposed to the rectangles of conventional switching power supplies. As more power is called upon, the operating frequency increases. This generates the advantage that the output power density also increases, which in turn provides a higher peak power. The noise floor of the power supply is already said to be extremely low, but has been reduced even further by the extremely low-noise regulators that power the various sections of the circuit. The noise from these regulators is well below the noise level of conventional regulators, as I learned from Denmark.

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