After reporting in the first part of my review on the Ansuz PowerSwitch A2 about its sonic impact through its mere integration in an appropriate LAN environment without the need for an actual switching operation, I would now like to experience to what extent the holistic concept of Ansuz becomes comprehensible through accessories.
Therefore the next point in my list of topics is the set-up of the A2 in my Creaktiv equipment stand. The switch comes accompanied by four Ansuz Acoustics Darkz resonance control C2T feet, which, at a price of 280 euros each, require a deep dig into your pockets by fueling expectations accordingly. The Darkz C2T create an elaborate impression in terms of design and craftmanship: They are built from three aluminium disks with a special connecting mechanism. Their particularly hard anodized surface is supposed to play an important part in the material mix assigned for suppressing vibrations.
The Darkz are coupled with three titanium balls each, which fit exactly into the space of the PowerSwitch's feet between the two concentric aluminium rings. The concept corresponds to the practical application of Ansuz’ resonance theory to neither hard coupling by spikes nor damp by soft materials. The combination of special materials and their surface treatment in particular play an important role here. The three titanium balls connect feet and component not rigidly but slightly movable.
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