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Finite Elemente Pagode Edition MKII

02.12.2020 // Wolfgang Kemper

Its unique concept, great craftsmanship and outstanding sound characteristics honour the Pagode MK II
Its unique concept, great craftsmanship and outstanding sound characteristics honour the Pagode MK II

Even though the old Pagode really doesn't sound bad, while still being one of the very good equipment supports, it remains to be only second-class. If one has been given the chance to experience the difference in a direct comparison, the only obstacle standing in the way is the handsome acquisition price. So, if you can afford it, the investment is worthwhile right from the start, even with lower-priced, good sounding components like the two Soul units. The Finite Elemente MKII brings more music into the listening room and, in my opinion, is one or, let alone, the perfect basis for a high-quality audio system, which may well continue to grow and improve on the Pagode MKII over many years to come. What convinced me about the Finite Elemente Pagode – even in regard to the old system – was the effectiveness of the Resonator system. It is effective, no matter whether you listen at low or high volumes. The new mixture of materials allows this grade of quality to be experienced in an even more intensive way.


With the Pagode MKII, Finite Elemente has significantly enhanced the sound quality of its acclaimed rack system. The MKII sets new standards, particularly in terms of dynamics, resolution and homogeneity.
Listened with
Music server Soul
CD transport Primare DVD-30
D/A converter Soul, Antelope Zodiac plus
Pre amp Soul, Antelope Zodiac plus
Power amp AirTight ATM-3, Soul E
Loudspeakers Analysis-Audio Epsylon
Accessories Audioquest Diamond USB, In-akustik Black&White NF-1302, Audio-gd NF Cinch and XLR, QED Genesis Silver Spiral LS with Enacom LS, MudraAkustik Max power socket und power cable, Audioquest Hurricane HC and Source power cable, AHP pure copper fuses, Room absorber by mbakustik and Browne Akustik
Manufacturer's specifications
Finite Elemente HD03 Pagode MKII (Test sample)
Wood finish Canadian maple stained to Walnut colour
Metal finish Aluminum high-gloss polished (at extra cost)
Height 85 cm
Number of levels 4
Shelf clearances (from top)

Level 2: 155 mm, Level 3: 195 mm, Level 4: 240 mm
(Standard configuration, adjustable in steps of 30 mm)

Useable component area 515 x 465 mm (WxD)
Load capacity Level 1-3: 60 kg each, level 4 (bottom): 120 kg
Features MKII Inserted shelves in three-layer lightweight design with honeycomb core middle layer and MDF outer layers, coupled to the frames with height-adjustable ceramic ball bolts, Floor feet: height-adjustable cones with integrated protection plate
Dimensions 850 x 750 x 590 mm (HxWxD)
(Height incl. conical feet 890 mm)
Price of test sample 10,450 euros (basic price w/ silvergrey anodized aluminum)
960 euros (extra cost for aluminum high-gloss polished)
Model variants Two identical model ranges: pagode° Master Reference and pagode° Edition
Available in three widths and three heights, separate amplifier platforms MR MKII and Edition MKII also available
Colour variants Available in seven standard colours: Natural Canadian maple plus staining colours: Walnut, Makassar, Palisander, Cherry, as well as RAL colours: Pearlstructure White or Black (other staining or RAL colours available at extra cost)
Prices Master Reference MKII series
as from 5,480 euros (60 cm high – 2 levels)
as from 8,950 euros (85 cm high – 4 levels)
as from 9,795 euros (110 cm high – 4 levels)
Edition MKII series
as from 6,680 euros (60 cm high – 2 levels)
as from 10,450 euros (85 cm high – 4 levels)
as from 11,295 euros (110 cm high – 4 levels)
Options (MR MKII and Edition MKII) Heavy-Duty (top level only, 120 kg load capacity) – as from 1,590 euros, Carbofibre° Carbon shelves – as from 690 euros (per shelf), Aluminum high-gloss polished – as from 720 euros (all prices are additional costs to the basic rack price)
finite elemente Köpf Möhring GbR
Address Am Heimekesberg 11
33106 Paderborn, Germany
Phone +49 5254 64557
Email info@finite-elemente.eu
Web www.finite-elemente.eu

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