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Ansuz Acoustics PowerSwitch D-TC Supreme

25.09.2020 // Dirk Sommer

The little lights on the LAN sockets cannot be switched off. A power switch isn’t to be found either
The little lights on the LAN sockets cannot be switched off. A power switch isn’t to be found either

Apart from that, Ansuz Acoustics is not particularly informative, at least on their website. Also, I didn't find any notes on the history and operating methods of the company there, but in the catalogue instead, which, however, you have to download first. Explanations or even white papers about the frequently used so-called "Active Tesla Coils" in their different versions, the "Analog Dither" or the "Anti-Arial & Resonance Coils" aren't to be found on the internet either. Most likely I would have learned more about these specialties on site in Aalborg, but at the planned date of my visit, cross-border travel was no longer possible. Therefore Morten Thyrrested and I agreed to reverse the sequence and to start testing the switch first.

Upon request, Morten Thyrrested gave me access to at least some information about the switches, namely to what basically applies to all four models within the range: According to the Ansuz developers, wired streaming networks are a problem for audiophile environments simply because they are connected to the World Wide Web and thus to all kinds of externally located noisy electronics. In the case of computers, routers, switches and all kinds of other electronics, the background noise is not as important as in the audio sector. Furthermore, the Ethernet is some kind of a floating network, which means that there is no grounding connection to dissipate the noise. With Ansuz Acoustics' PowerSwitches, one of the main advantages is the grounding circuitry, which filters out much of the noise. As mentioned, the PowerSwitches feature a variety of Ansuz technologies to further reduce the noise. These technologies are also compatible with those used in other Ansuz Acoustics products. This way a strong alliance can be built to reduce the noise level within the entire audio system.

The AC voltage outputs for supplying the active Ethernet cables are located under the LAN sockets. These, as well as the Darkz feet for the PowerSwitch, will be the subject of a further review
The AC voltage outputs for supplying the active Ethernet cables are located under the LAN sockets. These, as well as the Darkz feet for the PowerSwitch, will be the subject of a further review

The Ansuz Acoustics PowerSwitches also contain - as the term "power" refers to - a PowerBox with ten outputs, which provides power for those Ansuz Ethernet cables featuring active technology. These outputs serve as well to power other Ansuz digital cables. However, for powering analog Ansuz cables, it is recommended to use one of the stand-alone PowerBox models instead. Using a simple voltmeter, I was able to find out that different AC voltages were to be measured at the four sections of the active cable's connecting plug. These are generated by five so-called "Analog Dither" circuits, and are intended to act on the dielectric of the active LAN cables. Though these being also already at hand, they are not going to be part of this test. Nevertheless, the fact that the dielectric is influenced by alternating current instead of direct current as it is the case with the Audioquest cables, intrigued me suchlike that I promptly called Michael Børresen, chief developer at Ansuz Acoustics, who then very willingly provided information about the solutions used. But what the alternating current for the dielectric is all about, I will not reveal until I review the D-TC Supreme Ethernet cables.

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