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JIB Boaacoustic Cable

20.07.2018 // Wolfgang Kemper

The Boaacustic cables' colorful unique design quickly catches your eye. This is an advantage when you want to stand out in the wide selection of cables on the market. Just what qualities are hidden beneath the colorful exteriors?

Oh no! No more cables! That was my first reaction as a former sales colleague introduced me to the JIB-Boaacoustic cable assortment while I was visiting this years HighEnd trade show in Munich. I had already taken notice of their impressive booth. The former colleague was determined to introduce me to the Boaacoustic brand line-up and he succeeded to gain my interest. Perhaps you have already noticed the pictures of several of these cables in my article covering the HighEnd show. You probably also noticed how the cables were on display – coiled up like a snake – sending a clear signal to the brand name Boaacoustic manufactured by JIB-Germany Technology GmbH located just south of Germany's capital city Berlin in Mahlow, Brandenburg. The various cables are produced and custom assembled by skilled workers hands at this location using raw materials imported from carefully selected suppliers in Japan. JIB's website shows photos of the production site. JIB produces a wide range of audio cables in various price segments. The most expensive set of speaker cables named Silver Zircon BFA has an MSRP of 16.660 Euros for the configured 3 meter pair. In comparison, the entry level 3 meter set Cobalt carries an MSRP of 880 Euros. Boaacoustic also supplies cable in bulk running lengths used for installing complex in-car high-end audio solutions. The line-up can basically be separated into two different categories: copper only and silver coated copper..

These three digital cables demonstrate the very good, solid construction
These three digital cables demonstrate the very good, solid construction

The share of digital audio cables in the range is somewhat limited. In both categories, two TOSLINK optical cables, one USB, two SPDIF and one AES/EBU XLR cable are produced. This review covers the last three types. One of the two SPDIF coaxial RCA cables is from the copper only category and is named Premium Line Digital Diamond. The 1.5 meter long cable has an MSRP of 250 Euros. The 1.5 meter long luxury Line Silver Carbon SPDIF cable has an MSRP of 1.000 Euros and belongs, as it's name implies, to the silver coated copper cable category. This also applies to the Silver Digital Krypton – the only XLR digital cable in the Boaacoustic line. The 900 Euros MSRP 1 meter length was provided for this test. The 1.5 meter length carries an MSRP of 1.020 Euros. Both, the coaxial and the XLR silver coated copper cables, are in the same price range. Both SPDIF cables have a gray/white outer sheath of different designs. The XLR Digital Krypton cable has a green/blue outer sheath and is a real beauty. JIB supplies some – but not that much – information about their technical construction and material properties used. After all, as with other cable manufacturers, nobody is willing to reveal their trade and manufacturing secrets that make their brand unique. JIB gives evidence they publish honest product specifications. I think it deserves respect that they state that their high quality AES/EBU, 110 Ohm cable can have a 20% impedance tolerance. They could have just kept that information to themselves.

The reasonably priced Digital Diamond SPDIF cable comes with high value RCA connectors that tighten to the component's RCA jacks with just a twist
The reasonably priced Digital Diamond SPDIF cable comes with high value RCA connectors that tighten to the component's RCA jacks with just a twist

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