Admittedly rather skeptical, I now change to DSD files. What use might the conversion to PCM by the MC-3+USB have when the Mytek Brooklyn can process and convert DSD directly? A surprise follows instantly: over the intermediate MC-3+USB also ‘Night And Day’ or ‘Fine and Dandy’ in the recording with the Joe Holland Quartet (Joe Holland Quartet The Joe Holland Quartet - Klipsch Tape Project Vol. II - HDTT DSD128) sounds excellent even in comparison with the "direct" DSD playback without any detour. Yes, I actually tend to the MC-3+USB since I simply prefer its imaging and spatial placement of instruments, too - very good to spot with the bongos and the drums.
As the MC-3+USB impresses me so rather positively, I wonder whether the described effects are not only resulting of a special random constellation of my setup. To be sure, I change in a second setup the source and connect the MC-3+ USB to a MacBook Pro with a likewise optimized operating system and Amarra 3.0 as an audio player. The MC-3+USB immediately works with the MacBook Pro. A separate driver installation is not required under Mac OSX. As Amarra 3.0 basically sounds a bit different, especially a bit more mellifluous than JPLAY– I never feel certain that Amarra does not add anything artificial to the music –, the above-mentioned sonic impressions absolutely apply also to the Mac system. I cannot remember having listened to music with a Mac in a better way. The same applies to the playback of the DAC M2Tech Young which was also used for the comparison and that benefits profoundly from the MC-3+USB..
As I now would like to explore the MC-3+USB’s limits, I use the not only by me highly appreciated MELCO N1A as a player. Here too – MELCO is known for using Linux as operating system – the MC-3+USB immediately works without any driver installation. To my admittedly big surprise, the MELCO N1A in combination with the MC-3+ USB gains in the same degree as the previously used PCs. During my vacation, I leave Dirk Sommer the MC-3+USB who uses it in conjunction with the significantly more expensive, with separate power supplies equipped MELCO N1ZH. Completely independent from me, Dirk Sommer comes also to a very similar sound assessment of the MC-3+USB. These experiences clearly show me how critical the USB interface and a precise clock are for a superb sound reproduction.
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