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Melco HA-N1A, Part 1

25.02.2016 // Dirk Sommer

The TP-Link nano router and the Melco ethernet cable (both available separately from the N1A) provide an easy and cost-eff ective way to control the Melco unit with any wi-fi enabled iOS or Android device
The TP-Link nano router and the Melco ethernet cable (both available separately from the N1A) provide an easy and cost-eff ective way to control the Melco unit with any wi-fi enabled iOS or Android device

Another software player I tried was Pure Music in version 1.89g but as 'Improvisation Patrice Heral' from the album 'Le Concert de Parfums' showed clearly, with it the iMac also didn't stand a chance against the Melco. It only took a few seconds of listening to determine that the N1A provides a more believable illusion of room and space, better transparency and – in this case – even a little more punch in the lower frequencies. All these listening tests I did with the M2Tech DSD DAC, by the way, which compared to the rest of the system is actually very moderately priced. But with the Melco as a source it was driven to an acoustical performance that I would have never thought possible. But I had to give my trusty iMac one last chance and now chose Audirvana Plus 1.5.2 as player software. But again the result was immediately clear. With the Melco, the music just has more flair to it, more suspense. It's more colourful, more detailed and more dynamic. It breathes and lives. The old saying from the age of analogue hi-fi that it is the source that matters most still holds true, apparently. Should this be the end of 'Computer Hi-Fi' for me?


Even if you are more of a music lover than a computer freak there is a good chance that you have grudgingly admitted a PC into your hi-fi system to play back those tempting hires and DSD files. But with the Melco N1A, there is a real alternative available now. Not only is it much easier to use and live with than a computer, it also sounds significantly better. For me the Melco N1A is the digital revelation of the year already!

Melco are working on their own app and recommend a variety of third-party apps to control their unit until that is available. I used Linn Kinsky for iOS3 on my first generation iPad without any problem
Melco are working on their own app and recommend a variety of third-party apps to control their unit until that is available. I used Linn Kinsky for iOS3 on my first generation iPad without any problem

Listened with
Computer iMac 27‟, 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 8 GB, OS X Version 10.9.5
Audioplayer Amarra Symphony 2.6, Audirvana, Pure Music
D/A-Converter M2TECH Young DSD and Van der Graaf, Chord Hugo
Preamp Einstein The Preamo
Power Amp Ayon Epsilon with KT150
Loudspeakers LumenWhite DiamondLight Monitors
Cables HMS Gran Finale Jubilee, Audioplan Powercord S, Göbel High End Lacorde Statement, Audioquest Wild / Diamond, Swiss Cable Reference Plus
Accessories PS Power Plant, Sun Multiple Socket, Audioplan Powerstar, HMS-InWall Power Outlets, Acapella Bases, Acoustic System Feet and Resonators, Artesania Audio Exoteryc, Harmonix Real Focus, bfly Bases and Feet
Melco HA-N1A
LAN Interface IEEE 802.3ab (1000BASE-T)
IEEE 802.3u (100BASE-TX)
IEEE 802.3 (10BASE-T)
LAN Speeds 1000 Mbps Full Duplex (Auto-Negotiation)
100 Mbps Full Duplex/ Half Duplex (Auto-Negotiation)
10 Mbps Full Duplex/ Half Duplex (Auto-Negotiation)
Ethernet Ports 2 RJ-45 Ports (Auto-MDIX supported)
LAN-Verbindungstyp RJ-45 8-polig
Network Protocol TCP/IP
Network Access Method CSMA/CD
USB Terminals 1 X USB 2.0 (front panel)
3 X USB 3.0-Anschluss (rear panel)
Integrated harddisks HDD (2 TB x2)
Dimensions (W/H/D) 436/70/352 mm
Weight ca. 7 kg
Power Supply 100–240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Power Consumption 60 W (max.)
Working Environment Temperature 5–35°C,
Humidity 20-80% (non-condensing)
Price 2000 Euro
G8 & friends GmbH – High Quality Distribution
Address Robert-Koch-Str. 30
D-59227 Ahlen 
E-Mail info@g8friends.de
Web www.g8friends.de

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